6315.000 Primula L.
Bailey, L.H. & Bailey, E.Z. (1976) Hortus Third. A concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc., New York
Clapham, A.R., Tutin, T.G. & Moore, D.M. (1989) Flora of the British Isles. 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Description of the genus
Perennial scapose herbs with basal leaves only. Flowers in umbels or whorls, usually heterostylous. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla 5-lobed with incurved or spreading lobes. Capsule dehiscing by valves. Worldwide: 425 species, N hemisphere, Ethiopia, tropical Asian mountains to Java and New Guinea. Zimbabwe: 1 cultivated taxon. |
Species | Content |
malacoides Franch. | Description, Image |
Other sources of information about Primula:
External websites:
African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg):
PrimulaBHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library):
PrimulaEOL (Encyclopedia of Life):
PrimulaGBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility):
Web -
Images -
PrimulaIPNI (International Plant Names Index):
PrimulaJSTOR Plant Science:
PrimulaMansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops:
PrimulaPlants of the World Online: