Monoecious trees with stellate indumentum. Stipules minute. Leaves alternate, entire or palmately-lobed (often together on same tree). Inflorescences. terminal, in the form of a thyrse; male and female flowers in same inflorescence. Male flowers: calyx splitting into 2-3 lobes; petals 5, alternating with disk glands; stamens c.20, inner united into a column. Female flowers: calyx 2-lobed; petals as for male flowers; ovary 2-locular; styles 2, erect. Fruit large, indehiscent, shallowly 2-lobed with 4 ridges. Derivation of name: from Greek aleuron, floury or farinose, referring to some species appear to be dusted with flour Worldwide: 2 species, one (ours) from the Indopacific region. cultivated in tropical Africa and the other a Hawaiian endemic Zimbabwe: 1 cultivated taxon. |