Vitex trifolia L.
var. bicolor (Willd.) Moldenke


Vitex trifolia var. bicolor

Image details:

Species id:175460
Image id:1
Image number:35786
Photographer: MA Hyde
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Record details:

Record id:102428
Date: 22 Aug 2009
Recorder(s):MA Hyde
JP Félu
Determiner:MA Hyde
Habitat: On slope
Location: Caribbea Bay, Kariba, cottages
Location code(s):
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Zimbabwe
Quarter Degree Square: 1628D2
Grid reference:
FZ Division: N
Altitude (metres): 500
Notes: This taxon had probably come out of the hotel garden but it had formed a dense thicket on the slope between the hotel and the lake. It was an extremely vigorous colonisation of an area that I suspect had been disturbed. The plants were quite tall (4-5m?). I've never seen this species escape anywhere else.(MAH)
Latitude, Longitude: -16.532688, 28.792811
Location accuracy code: 6

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Cultivated species information - individual images: Vitex trifolia., retrieved 7 December 2024

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