Trees, shrubs or lianes. Stipules usually present (not in Schefflera umbellifera). Leaves alternate, simple or compound (digitate or pinnate), sometimes young leaves different to mature leaves. Inflorescences umbellate or racemose or combinations of umbels and racemes. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx inconspicuous. Petals 5, less often 4 or 10, usually free; stamens usually as many as petals and alternating with them. Ovary inferior with 2-8 loculi; styles 2 or 5 or more. Ovules solitary in each loculus. Fruit a berry or drupe. Worldwide: 47 genera and 1,325 species, mostly tropical and especially Indomalesia. Zimbabwe: 6 genera and 7 taxa. |