Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, alternate, 2-ranked; margins toothed; petioles present. Stipules minute. Inflorescence of axillary, solitary flowers or fascicles or racemes. Flowers small (c. 5 mm), bisexual, actinomorphic. Perianth 1-whorled, free except at base; unequal; imbricate, persistent; white turning yellow. Stamens many, filaments attached to the margin of the hypanthium. Ovary superior; placentation parietal; stigmas peltate, almost sessile. Fruit a white berry. Seeds orange. Comment: Originally included in the now defunct family Flacourtiaceae, this monogeneric family was first established in 1985. Worldwide: 1 genus and 2 species from East Africa to South Africa; also Madagascar, Mascarene Islands and Seychelles. Zimbabwe: 1 genus and 1 taxon. |