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Mantell, D. in Verdcourt, B. (1988) Flora Zambesiaca 5(1)
Annual or perennial herbs. Stipular sheath ± membranous, bearing 1 or 2 ± fimbriate triangular lobes. Leaves opposite. Flowers bisexual, (3-)4(-5)-merous; stigmas and anthers always included in the corolla tube, never heterostylous, in terminal, often panicle-like inflorescences. Calyx lobes 4(-5). Stigma comprised of two filiform lobes usually held well below the anthers or occasionally just touching anthers. Ovary 2-locular. Capsules hemispheric; ± spherical or ellipsoid; beak not conspicuous. Derivation of name: after Francis Kohaut (?-1822), who collected in Senegal in 1822 and died during that expedition. Comment: Species formerly placed in subgenus Pachystigma are now separated into the genus Cordylostigma. Worldwide: 31 species in India, Pakistan, Iran, Arabian peninsula and thoughout Africa; also in Madagascar and the Cape Verde Islands. Zimbabwe: 6 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. | E | Description, Image |
aspera (B. Heyne ex Roth) Bremek. | N,W | |
caespitosa Schnizl. subsp. brachyloba (Sond.) D. Mantell | N,W,C,E | Description, Image |
coccinea Royle | N,C | |
cynanchica DC. | N,W,S | Description, Image |
subverticillata (K. Schum.) D. Mantell subsp. subverticillata | N,W,C,S | Description, Image |
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