Perennial or annual herbs or subshrubs. Leaves simple, pinnatifid or pinnate, opposite or whorled; margins toothed, rarely entire.
Inflorescences in paired cymes or thyrses. Flowers bisexual, strongly zygomorphic. Sepals fused. Petals fused, 2-lipped; upper lip hooded, lower lip (especially in the cultivated forms) very large and inflated and ± slipper-like; inner side of lower lip usually with glands; yellow, rarely white, red or violet, often with red or brown spots. Stamen filaments attached to petals; anthers basifixed. Ovary superior to partly inferior; carpels fused, placentation axial. Fruit a capsule.
Worldwide: c. 260 species from Mexico to Chile Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |