Seasonally dormant terrestrial herbs with underground rhizome. Leaves 1-several, subtended by basal cataphylls; lamina simple, basally triangular, hastate-sagittate. Inflorescence produced before the leaves (in ours); borne
at or below ground level on short peduncles. Spathe tubular with connate margins in lower part, often inflated at very base; upper part lanceolate, ± expanded or not expanded with a
lateral slit, often ± thickened. Spadix with female flowers at base and male above, with sterile flowers between the two areas. Flowers unisexual, surrounded by a ± glandular cup-shaped perianth. Ovary 1-2-locular. Berries borne at or below ground-level, fleshy, 1-few-seeded. Worldwide: A genus of c. 19 species of tropical and subtropical SE Africa. Zimbabwe: 2 taxa. |