Climbing shrubs, less often sub-erect or herbs, usually with short thick rhizomes; stems and branches usually prickly. Leaves often with tendrils; lamina usually ovate to lanceolate; main veins 3-7, connected by a network of cross veins; petiole usually narrowly winged proximally, with an abscission zone between winged portion and apex. Inflorescence borne in axil of leaf or scale-like bract, consisting of 1(-3) umbels, or panicles, racemes, or spikes of umbels; peduncle sometimes with a scale-like prophyll at base. Flowers small; tepals 6, usually free, rarely connate. Fruit a berry, red to black, usually 1- or 2-seeded. Seeds dark brown.
Worldwide: 300 species in tropical and temperate areas Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |