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Small hemisparasitic shrubs with simple hairs and a single haustorial attachment. Flowers in axillary umbels; bract saucer-shaped with well-developed foliaceous limb. Corolla 5-merous; opening unilaterally; tube short; lobes coherent above, inrolled at anthesis. Filaments thickened and inrolled above. Derivation of name: after the British botanist Daniel Oliver, 1830-1916, who worked at Kew and was a Professor of botany at University College, London. Worldwide: 3 species in eastern and south-central Africa. Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |
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rubroviridis Tiegh. | N,W,C,E | Description, Image |
Home | > | List of families | > | Loranthaceae | > | Oliverella |