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Biennial, perennial or sometimes annual, succulent herbs. Leaves usually opposite and decussate, connate at the base, the lower set close together; uppermost bract-like; lamina entire or rarely pinnatifid; margin entire, crenate or serrate. Inflorescence terminal, composed of cymes arranged in a panicle, corymb or thyrse. Flowers 4-merous, erect, relatively large and showy. Corolla lobes united below into a tetragonous tube, this rounded and swollen at the base and usually constricted above; lobes usually apiculate. Stamens 8. Carpels 4, ± connate at base. Nectariferous scales semi-circular to linear. Worldwide: 125 species (incl. Bryophyllum) in the Old World tropics, especially Africa and Madagascar. Zimbabwe: 15 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
beharensis Drake | Description, Image | |
brachyloba Welw. ex Britten | N,W,C,E,S | Image |
crenata (Andrews) Haw. | E,S | Description, Image |
fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier | E | Description, Image |
laciniata (L.) DC. | N,W,E,S | |
lanceolata (Forssk.) Pers. | N,W,C,E,S | Description, Image |
lateritia Engl. | W,C,E,S | |
lobata R. Fern.[End][DD] | N,E | Description |
luciae Raym.-Hamet subsp. luciae | N,C,E,S | Description, Image |
paniculata Harv. | W | |
rotundifolia (Haw.) Haw. | W,C,E,S | Description, Image |
sexangularis N.E. Br. var. sexangularis | C,E,S | |
sexangularis N.E. Br. var. intermedia (R. Fern.) R. Fern. | N,W,C,E,S | |
velutina Welw. ex Britten subsp. chimanimaniensis (R. Fern.) R. Fern.[NrEnd][LR-nt] | E | Description, Image |
wildii Raym.-Hamet ex R. Fern.[End][DD] | W,C,S | Description, Image |
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