Trees or shrubs, usually with
stout, simple or branched, thorns. Leaves usually 2-pinnate
on long shoots, 1-pinnate or 2-pinnate on short shoots. Leaflets often serrate. Flowers unisexual, in racemes or panicles, greenish. Bracteoles small or 0. Calyx campanulate
with 3-5, subequal lobes. Petals 3-5, sessile, imbricate. Stamens 6-10. Anthers uniform. Pods ovate or elongated, straight,
flattened, indehiscent or tardily dehiscent. Derivation of name: for Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (Gleditsius), 1714-1786, German physician and botanist. Worldwide: 14 species from eastern North America to New Guinea. Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |