Trees, mostly glabrous but hairs, if present, simple never stellate. Leaves alternate, crowded at ends of branches, imparipinnate, petiolate, entire or toothed. Flowers unisexual, in axillary or terminal, spike-like inflorescences. Sepals and petals
3-4(-5). Male flowers: stamens 15-25; pistillode 0. Female flowers slightly larger than male; staminodes ± developed; ovary 2-3(-4)-locular; styles 2-3; stigmas capitate. Drupe obovoid-subspherical with fleshy
mesocarp and thick bony endocarp which is 3-operculate at apex. Seeds 2-3, flattened. Worldwide: 4 species in tropical and South Africa Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |