Glabrous, unarmed, trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite. Inflorescence a pedunculate dichasial cyme, single or paired in a leaf axil. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual,. Sepals (4-)5, united at base. Petals (4-)5, greenish. Disk intrastaminal, (4-)5-lobed. Ovary superior, 2-locular, with only 1 fertile loculus.
Stigma peltate, unlobed.
Fruit indehiscent, a small nut, with a persistent lateral style. Seeds 1(-2), without an aril. Derivation of name: from Greek: pleuron meaning side, stylis meaning style, referring to the lateral style Worldwide: c. 3-4 species in tropical and South Africa, southern Asia, northern Australia and New Caledonia. Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |