Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 21 Dec 2010

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia abyssinica Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia mearnsii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha petiolaris La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AcanthaceaeAcanthus polystachyus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PassifloraceaeAdenia gummifera var. gummifera Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeAeschynomene mimosifolia La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeAeschynomene nodulosa var. nodulosa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeAgeratum houstonianum Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia antunesiana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsphodelaceaeAloe swynnertonii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AmaranthaceaeAlternanthera caracasana Hotel La RochelleRecord
AmaranthaceaeAmaranthus lividus subsp. polygonoides Hotel La RochelleRecord (with image)
BignoniaceaeAmphilophium crucigerum Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle HotelRecord (with image)
AnnonaceaeAnnona senegalensis subsp. senegalensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
ApiaceaeApium leptophyllum Hotel La RochelleRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeArgyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeAspilia mossambicensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeAspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia galpinii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
DracaenaceaeBeaucarnea recurvata (cultivated) (planted)La Rochelle Hotel, Imbeza ValleyRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeBerkheya zeyheri La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa Hotel La RochelleRecord
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OrchidaceaeBrachycorythis lastii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
OrchidaceaeBrachycorythis lastii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia micrantha La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeCarissa bispinosa subsp. bispinosa var. bispinosa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeCarissa bispinosa subsp. bispinosa var. bispinosa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
CelastraceaeCatha edulis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
CannabaceaeCeltis africana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
SinopteridaceaeCheilanthes viridis var. glauca La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
SinopteridaceaeCheilanthes viridis var. glauca La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
MenispermaceaeCissampelos mucronata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PeraceaeClutia hirsuta Hill behind La Rochelle Hotel, Imbiza ValleyRecord (with image)
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana Hotel La RochelleRecord
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
CommelinaceaeCommelina welwitschii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeCrassocephalum rubens var. rubens La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AmaryllidaceaeCrinum macowanii Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeCryptolepis oblongifolia La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AraliaceaeCussonia spicata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OrchidaceaeCyrtorchis praetermissa subsp. praetermissa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDesmodium uncinatum Hotel La RochelleRecord
ConvolvulaceaeDichondra micrantha Hotel La RochelleRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros lycioides subsp. sericea La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
SapindaceaeDodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
BignoniaceaeDolichandra unguis-cati Hotel La RochelleRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDolichos trinervatus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris pentheri Kopje behind hotel, La Rochelle, Penhalonga Record
AcanthaceaeDyschoriste nagchana Hotel La RochelleRecord (with image)
LamiaceaeEquilabium laxiflorum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeErigeron bonariensis Hotel La RochelleRecord
AsteraceaeErigeron bonariensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RosaceaeEriobotrya japonica La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina abyssinica La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeErythrocephalum longifolium La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia hirta Hotel La RochelleRecord
RubiaceaeFadogia homblei La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeFadogia tetraquetra var. tetraquetra Mbiza Valley near La Rochelle Hotel.Record
MoraceaeFicus sur La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeGalinsoga quadriradiata Hotel La RochelleRecord
RubiaceaeGalium bussei La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
ColchicaceaeGloriosa superba Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeGlossostelma carsonii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AmaranthaceaeGomphrena celosioides Hotel La RochelleRecord (with image)
RhamnaceaeGouania longispicata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia occidentalis var. occidentalis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeHelichrysum nudifolium var. oxyphyllum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeHelichrysum panduratum var. panduratum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
EuphorbiaceaeHomalanthus populifolius La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeInula glomerata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea indica var. acuminata Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
BignoniaceaeJacaranda mimosifolia La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OleaceaeJasminum streptopus La Rochelle, PenhalongaRecord
AsteraceaeLaggera crispata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeLandolphia buchananii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AnacardiaceaeLannea edulis var. edulis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
VerbenaceaeLantana camara La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
VerbenaceaeLantana camara La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
BrassicaceaeLobularia maritima Hotel La RochelleRecord
AsteraceaeMacledium kirkii subsp. kirkii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
MyrsinaceaeMaesa lanceolata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OrchidaceaeMicrocoelia stolzii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeMondia whitei Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
RubiaceaeMussaenda arcuata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeMussaenda arcuata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeMussaenda arcuata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeNidorella aegyptiaca Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
LamiaceaeOcimum obovatum subsp. obovatum var. obovatum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OnagraceaeOenothera rosea Hotel La RochelleRecord
OrchidaceaeOrthochilus mechowii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
LamiaceaeOrthosiphon schimperi La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata Hotel La RochelleRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis latifolia Hotel La RochelleRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaePavetta gardeniifolia La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
SinopteridaceaePellaea doniana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PinaceaePinus patula La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PittosporaceaePittosporum viridiflorum var. viridiflorum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
PlantaginaceaePlantago major Hotel La RochelleRecord (with image)
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis macrocarpa La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaePlumeria rubra (planted)La Rochelle HotelRecord (with image)
PolygalaceaePolygala virgata var. decora La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PortulacaceaePortulaca oleracea Hotel La RochelleRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePseudarthria hookeri var. hookeri La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
MyrtaceaePsidium guajava La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
ClusiaceaePsorospermum febrifugum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaePsychotria kirkii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaePsychotria kirkii La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
DennstaedtiaceaePteridium aquilinum subsp. capense La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePterocarpus angolensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
VitaceaeRhoicissus tridentata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeRichardia brasiliensis Hotel La RochelleRecord
RubiaceaeRichardia scabra Hotel La RochelleRecord
LamiaceaeRotheca myricoides La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeRubia cordifolia subsp. conotricha La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
RosaceaeRubus niveus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AcanthaceaeRuellia cordata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AcanthaceaeRuellia cordata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
LamiaceaeSalvia coccinea La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeSchistostephium crataegifolium La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeSchistostephium heptalobum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia chirindensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia dentata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia dentata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeSenecio venosus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna petersiana La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna septemtrionalis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
PoaceaeSetaria homonyma Hotel La RochelleRecord
PoaceaeSetaria megaphylla La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
EuphorbiaceaeShirakiopsis elliptica La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
SmilacaceaeSmilax anceps La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeSpilanthes mauritiana Hotel La RochelleRecord
ApiaceaeSteganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeStomatanthes africanus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium cordatum La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeTagetes minuta Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeTaraxacum sp. Hotel La RochelleRecord
AsteraceaeTithonia diversifolia Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
MeliaceaeToona ciliata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
CannabaceaeTrema orientale La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord (with image)
TropaeolaceaeTropaeolum majus (planted)La Rochelle Hotel, in front of the main terraceRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeVangueria infausta subsp. infausta La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeVangueria infausta subsp. infausta La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
RubiaceaeVangueriopsis lanciflora La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
VerbenaceaeVerbena bonariensis La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
VerbenaceaeVerbena brasiliensis Mbiza Valley road to La RochelleRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeVernonanthura polyanthes Entrance rd to La RochelleRecord
AsteraceaeVernonia glaberrima La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
AsteraceaeVernonia petersii Hillside behind La Rochelle Hotel.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna vexillata var. vexillata La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord
OrchidaceaeYpsilopus erectus La Rochelle, kopje behind hotelRecord

Number of records found: 159

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2010&month_search=Dec&day_search=21, retrieved 6 December 2024

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