Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Living plant images of Rotheca

Images for each species

This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular genus.

Note that all living plant images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this genus.

Rotheca amplifolia E No living plant images found
Rotheca cyanea E No living plant images found
Rotheca hirsuta E
Rotheca hirsuta

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Lebombos Hills, close to Namaacha

Rotheca hirsuta

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Lebombos Hills, close to Namaacha

Rotheca myricoides N,W,C,E,S
Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Forest, Vumba

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Epworth, Harare

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
School site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
School site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
School site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: David Gwynne-Evans
Lower slopes Mt Mabu

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
By small dam at Garuzo motel, Manica

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Magorogodo hills, Zomba Community

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from Nhabawa to Chikukwa, Chimanimani National Reserve

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from Nhabawa to Chikukwa, Chimanimani National Reserve

Rotheca myricoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
Seldomseen, Vumba

Rotheca reflexa N,W,C No living plant images found
Rotheca teaguei E No living plant images found
Rotheca verdcourtii E No living plant images found
Rotheca wildii N,W,C,E,S
Rotheca wildii

Photo: Petra Ballings
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Rotheca wildii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Rotheca wildii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Rotheca wildii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Haka Game Park

Rotheca wildii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Haka Game Park

Rotheca wildii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Between Hot Springs Resort and Odzi River

8 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Living plant images of Rotheca.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-living-images-by-genus.php?genus_id=1213, retrieved 19 September 2024

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