Trees, rarely shrubs. Leaves alternate, paripinnate, rarely simple; leaflets opposite or alternate, margins entire. Inflorescence thryses, large, many branched, terminal or fascicled at branchlet apices; bracts and bract-lets small, subulate. Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic; sepals 5 or sometimes 4, imbricate, outer 2 smaller; petals 5, clawed with 2 ear-like scales at base or margins flattened adaxially, or 4 without claw, with one large scale at base adaxially; disk fleshy, sometimes lobed. Fruit parted into 3 shizocarps, usually 1 or 2 developed.
Derivation of name: from the Latin: sapo meaning soap and indicus, Indian, referring to the use by West Indians of the lather-producing fruit. Worldwide: c. 13 species in tropical and warm areas. Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |