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Photo: Rob Burrett
A colony of planted Acacia abyssinica with the National Herbarium (SRGH) building in the background.
Quarter degree square: 1731C3 Country: Zimbabwe Habitat: Miombo woodland, numerous planted native species and naturalised species Altitude range: Annual rainfall: Location (short): Location (detailed): |
The National Botanic Gardens were originally set in a large expense of highveld miombo woodland. Stretches of this habitat are still present in a fairly undisturbed state. The park-like landscaping of large areas has obviously caused disturbance and has led to the introduction of some exotic weedy species. However, the main contribution to our website comes from the many rare and unusual species of our flora which have been planted in the numerous artificially created habitats. Over the years we have been able to add many photographs of flowers and fruits, particularly of woody species, which would have been very difficult to obtain in their, often remote, natural areas of occurrence. These specimens may not represent authentic records of the species in Zimbabwe but their presence on the website, as well as in the Botanic Gardens, contributes much to the botanical knowledge of our flora.
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