Dipcadi viride (L.) Moench

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Dipcadi viride

Photo: Bart Wursten
Borrowdale Common

Dipcadi viride

Photo: Bart Wursten
Borrowdale Common

Dipcadi viride

Photo: Bart Wursten
Borrowdale Common

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Common names:
Status: Native
Plants variable, 15–95 cm high, growing from bulb sometimes loose and scaly. Leaves 1–5 per shoot, sometimes produced after the flowers, linear to linear-lanceolate, 6–60 cm long, 3–15 mm wide, usually clasping at the base, indistinctly veined. Peduncle terete, 7–75 cm long; raceme few to many flowered, 5–25 cm long, sometimes the uppermost part sterile; floral bracts lanceolate, 4–20 mm long; pedicels 8–20 mm long in mature fruit. Perianth with unequal segments, 10–15 mm long excluding appendages; outer segments green often with a cream, orange-reddish or brown tinge, usually recurved from middle, linear-lanceolate with filiform appendage, up to 30 mm long, inner ones lanceolate, forming a tube with tips curved outwards. Stamens typical. Capsule oblong, 4–14 mm, 3-angled, often with remains of perianth.
Type location:
South Africa
Derivation of specific name: viride: green, although flowers in this species are often reddish or purplish-brown coloured.
Habitat: In open woodland, grassland and margins of vleis.
Altitude range: (metres) Up to 1540 m
Flowering time:
Worldwide distribution: Angola, Burundi, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Eswatini and South Africa.
National distribution: N,W,C,E,S
Growth form(s):
Endemic status:
Red data list status:
Insects associated with this species: Diaphone eumela (Larval foodplant)
Spot characters: Display spot characters for this species
Images last updated: Friday 10 February 2017

Bandeira, S., Bolnick, D. & Barbosa, F. (2007). Wild Flowers of Southern Mozambique Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique Pages 61 - 62. (Includes a picture).

Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 307. (Includes a picture).

Chapano, C. & Mugarisanwa, N.H. (2003). Plants of the Matobo District National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe Page 14.

Da Silva, M.C., Izidine, S. & Amude, A.B. (2004). A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of Mozambique. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 30 Sabonet, Pretoria Page 126.

Fabian, A. & Germishuizen, G. (1997). Wild Flowers of Northern South Africa. Fernwood Press, Vlaeburg. Pages 50 - 51. (Includes a picture).

Kirby, G. (2013). Wild Flowers of Southeast Botswana Struik Nature, Cape Town South Africa Page 355. (Includes a picture).

Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 91.

Pooley, E. (1998). A Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Region. Natal Flora Publications Trust. Durban. Pages 510 - 511. (Includes a picture).

Setshogo, M.P. (2005). Preliminary checklist of the plants of Botswana. Sabonet Report no. 37. Sabonet, Pretoria and Gaborone Page 122.

Stedje, B. (1996). Hyacinthaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa Pages 3 - 5. (Includes a picture).

Van Wyk, B. & Malan, S. (1988). Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Witwatersrand and Pretoria Region Struik, Cape Town Pages 278 - 279. (Includes a picture).

Other sources of information about Dipcadi viride:

Our websites:

Flora of Botswana: Dipcadi viride
Flora of Malawi: Dipcadi viride
Flora of Mozambique: Dipcadi viride
Flora of Zambia: Dipcadi viride

External websites:

African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg): Dipcadi viride
African Plant Database: Dipcadi viride
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library): Dipcadi viride
EOL (Encyclopedia of Life): Dipcadi viride
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility): Dipcadi viride
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
iNaturalist: Dipcadi viride
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Dipcadi viride
JSTOR Plant Science: Dipcadi viride
Mansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: Dipcadi viride
Plants of the World Online: Dipcadi viride
Tropicos: Dipcadi viride
Wikipedia: Dipcadi viride

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Dipcadi viride.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=114390, retrieved 10 February 2025

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