Home | > | List of families | > | Orchidaceae | > | Platycoryne | > | crocea |
Synonyms: |
Habenaria crocea Rchb.f. Habenaria elegantula Kraenzl. Habenaria ochrantha Schltr. Platycoryne elegantula (Kraenzl.) Summerh. Platycoryne heterophylla Summerh. Platycoryne ochrantha (Schltr.) Summerh. |
Common names: | |
Frequency: | |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Notes: | |
Derivation of specific name: | crocea: saffron-coloured, yellow |
Habitat: | |
Altitude range: (metres) | |
Flowering time: | |
Worldwide distribution: | |
Zimbabwe distribution: | N,W,C |
Growth form(s): | |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Literature: |
Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 331. La Croix, I. & Cribb, P.J. (1995). Orchidaceae (Part 1) Flora Zambesiaca 11(1) Pages 151 - 152. La Croix, I. et al. (1991). Orchids of Malawi A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam Page 102. (Includes a picture). Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 97. Moriarty, A. (1975). Wild Flowers of Malawi Purnell & sons Cape Town. Pages 57 - 58. (Includes a picture). Phiri, P.S.M. (2005). A Checklist of Zambian Vascular Plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 32 Page 123. Also as Platycoryne heterophylla Stewart, J. & Campbell, B. (1996). Orchids of Kenya Timber Press Inc, Portland Oregon, USA ISBN0-88192-357-5 Page 150. (Includes a picture). Summerhayes, V.S. (1958). African orchids XXV Kew Bulletin 13(1) Pages 69 - 71. also as Platycoryne heterophylla (protologue), P. elegantula and P. ochrantha Summerhayes, V.S. (1964). African orchids XXIX Kew Bulletin 17(3) Pages 532 - 533. Williamson, G. (1977). The Orchids of South Central Africa J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., London. Pages 71 - 72. as subsp. elegantula and subsp. ochrantha; also as P. heterophylla (Includes a picture). |
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