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This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.
Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.
Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.
Ammannia auriculata | N,W,C,S | |
Ammannia baccifera subsp. aegyptiaca | W,C | No living plant images found |
Ammannia baccifera subsp. baccifera | N,W,S | No living plant images found |
Ammannia prieuriana | N,W,C,E,S | |
Ammannia wormskioldii | N,W,S | No living plant images found |
Cuphea hyssopifolia | ||
Cuphea micropetala | C | |
Galpinia transvaalica | S | |
Hionanthera garciae | C,E,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea aspera | W,C,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea cordata | N,W,C,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea crassicaulis | W | |
Nesaea dinteri subsp. elata | N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Nesaea drummondii | N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Nesaea erecta | W,C,S | |
Nesaea heptamera | N,W,C,E | |
Nesaea ondongana subsp. ondongana var. ondongana | N,W,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea ondongana subsp. orientalis | E | No living plant images found |
Nesaea ondongana subsp. ondongana var. beiriana | W,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea passerinoides | N,W,C,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea radicans var. floribunda | W,C,E,S | No living plant images found |
Nesaea radicans var. radicans | N,W,C,E | No living plant images found |
Nesaea rigidula | W | |
Nesaea schinzii | W,E,S | No living plant images found |
Rotala capensis | W,C,S | No living plant images found |
Rotala filiformis | N,W,C | No living plant images found |
Rotala fluitans | N | No living plant images found |
Rotala gossweileri | N | No living plant images found |
Rotala juniperina | C | No living plant images found |
Rotala longistyla | W,C | No living plant images found |
Rotala lucalensis | N,W | No living plant images found |
Rotala mexicana | N,C | No living plant images found |
Rotala myriophylloides | N,W,C | |
Rotala serpiculoides | N,W,C,S | No living plant images found |
Rotala tenella | N,W,C,S | No living plant images found |
35 species found
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