Small perennial herbs; roots often red, orange or yellow. Leaves arranged in a basal rosette, usually entire, glabrous above and pubescent beneath; the venation usually palmate. Flowers borne in short pedunculate racemes or (rarely) flowers solitary. Bracts usually opposite. Calyx 5-toothed, accrescent; lobes ± equal. Corolla 2-lipped, 4-5-lobed; tube funnel-shaped; upper lip entire or shortly 2-lobed, hooded; lower lip 3-lobed, longer than the upper. Stamens 4, fertile, didynamous; upper pair included within hood. Nectary absent. Ovary 2-locular; ovules many. Fruit a septicidal capsule. Seeds with thin-walled epidermis. Worldwide: c. 9 species in tropical and southern Africa; also in the Arabian Peninsula, Socotra, India and Madagascar. Zimbabwe: 8 taxa. |