Trees or shrubs. Leaves 3-foliolate, usually minutely glandular beneath. Inflorescence (in ours) a raceme-like, branched or unbranched, thyrse. Flowers unisexual, usually male and female in the same inflorescence (female apparently bisexual but anthers sterile), small (sepals less than 2 mm, petals less than 1.5 mm). Sepals 4, the 2 outer larger. Petals 4, each with a hairy scale, greenish, white or yellowish. Stamens 8. Ovary 2-lobed, loculi 1-ovulate. Fruit a drupe, with 1(-3) cocci, ± spherical (in ours).
Allophylus species and species of Searsia both have 3-foliolate leaves and look superficially similar. See this note as to how to separate them. Worldwide: c.150-200 species, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Zimbabwe: 7 taxa. |