Karomia tettensis (Klotzsch) R. Fern.

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Karomia tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Karomia tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Karomia tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Karomia tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Karomia tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

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Synonyms: Holmskioldia spinescens (Klotzsch) Vatke
Holmskioldia tettensis (Klotzsch) Vatke
Common names: Northern chinese-hats (English)
Status: Native
Deciduous shrub or small tree. Bark grey or brown, covered in lenticels, roughish; branches often armed with spines. Leaves opposite, variable, even on the same branch, elliptic-oblong, obovate or oblanceolate, up to c. 11 cm (larger than speciosa), more or less sparsely hairy on both surfaces; margin entire, more or less coarsely dentate or with a few large lobe-like teeth. Flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered clusters, sometimes appearing terminal at the apices of branches, Corolla pale to dark mauve, lilac, purple or blue with a distinct 5-lobed lip; labellum of the lower lip wedge-shaped and laciniate. Anthers up to 4 cm long, densely covered in gland-tipped hairs near the base. Fruit c. 6 mm long, enclosed by the persistent calyx, somewhat fleshy, covered in golden-brown velvety hairs, flat on top with 4 horn-like appendages arranged in the form of a cross, the horns 2-3-crested.
Derivation of specific name: tettensis: of Tete in Mozambique
Habitat: In mopane woodland and other deciduous woodland, mainly in the valleys of the Zambezi and its main tributaries.
Altitude range: (metres) Up to 500 m
Flowering time:Oct - Mar
Worldwide distribution: Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe distribution: N,E
Growth form(s): Tree, shrub over 2 m.
Endemic status:
Red data list status:
Insects associated with this species:
Spot characters: Display spot characters for this species
Images last updated: Saturday 3 December 2011

Burrows, J.E., Burrows, S.M., Lötter, M.C. & Schmidt, E. (2018). Trees and Shrubs Mozambique Publishing Print Matters (Pty), Cape Town. Page 852. (Includes a picture).

Coates Palgrave, K. (revised and updated by Meg Coates Palgrave) (2002). Trees of Southern Africa 3rd edition. Struik, South Africa Page 993. (Includes a picture).

Drummond, R.B. (1975). A list of trees, shrubs and woody climbers indigenous or naturalised in Rhodesia. Kirkia 10(1) Page 272. As Holmskioldia tettensis

Fernandes, R. (2005). Lamiaceae (subfamilies: Viticoideae and Ajugoideae) Flora Zambesiaca 8(7) Pages 149 - 151. (Includes a picture).

Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 55.

Other sources of information about Karomia tettensis:

Our websites:

Flora of Malawi: Karomia tettensis
Flora of Mozambique: Karomia tettensis
Flora of Zambia: Karomia tettensis

External websites:

African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg): Karomia tettensis
African Plant Database: Karomia tettensis
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library): Karomia tettensis
EOL (Encyclopedia of Life): Karomia tettensis
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility): Karomia tettensis
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
iNaturalist: Karomia tettensis
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Karomia tettensis
JSTOR Plant Science: Karomia tettensis
Mansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: Karomia tettensis
Plants of the World Online: Karomia tettensis
Tropicos: Karomia tettensis
Wikipedia: Karomia tettensis

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Karomia tettensis.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=149150, retrieved 22 January 2025

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