Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | > | Rhynchosia | > | resinosa |
Synonyms: |
Fagelia resinosa Hochst. ex A.Rich. Rhynchosia mildbraedii Harms |
Common names: | Dapanyuchi (Shona) Mushambavazvere (Shona) Mutandemutande (Shona) Zambazeze (Shona) |
Frequency: | Common |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Robust woody scrambler or climber with trifoliate leaves. Stems and inflorescences sticky. |
Notes: | |
Derivation of specific name: | resinosa: resinous or sticky |
Habitat: | A species of various types of woodland, riverine fringes and rocky places. |
Altitude range: (metres) | 750 - 1800 m |
Flowering time: | |
Worldwide distribution: | Widespread in West, Eastern and Southern Africa |
Zimbabwe distribution: | N,W,C,E,S |
Growth form(s): | Climber, perennial, shrub over 2 m. |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Images last updated: | Tuesday 27 September 2005 |
Literature: |
Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 169. Chapano, C. & Mugarisanwa, N.H. (2003). Plants of the Matobo District National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe Page 31. Coates Palgrave, M. (1989). Guide to the trees and shrubs of the Mukuvisi Woodlands ?publisher. Page 38. Drummond, R.B. (1972). A list of Rhodesian Legumes. Kirkia 8(2) Page 226. Drummond, R.B. (1975). A list of trees, shrubs and woody climbers indigenous or naturalised in Rhodesia. Kirkia 10(1) Page 247. Mackinder, B. et al. (2001). Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(5) Pages 177 - 178. Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 51. Setshogo, M.P. (2005). Preliminary checklist of the plants of Botswana. Sabonet Report no. 37. Sabonet, Pretoria and Gaborone Page 71. Strugnell, A.M. (2006). A Checklist of the Spermatophytes of Mount Mulanje, Malawi Scripta Botanica Belgica 34 National Botanic Garden of Belgium Pages 102 - 103. |
Home | > | List of families | > | Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | > | Rhynchosia | > | resinosa |