Collections made by Arne Strid

Records: 26

The following is a list of the collections made by Arne Strid in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Zimbabwe (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80713 Acacia amythethophylla8 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2305 RE Gereau MO
Mazabuka District; 41 mi. from Lusaka along main road to Chirundu.0Zambia1528D3S900

Shrub or small slender tree 3-7 m high.

80714 Acacia amythethophylla24 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2693 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Chalimbana area, c. 20 km E Lusaka, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road, somewhat NW of President's farm.0Zambia1528B3C1200

Slender tree c. 8 m high.

80733 Acacia goetzei subsp. goetzei24 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2192 DB Fanshawe Lusaka District; Halfway between Lusaka and Chilanga along main road.0Zambia1528C2C1300

8-10 m high tree. Flowers cream with pink calyx.

80774 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii10 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2121 RE Gereau MO
Along roadMazabuka District; 4 mi. from Kafue Gorge hydroelectric power station along road to Kafue township.0Zambia1528C4S1200

Much branched, ca. 10 m high tree. Spines straight, 5-7 cm long. New leaves just emerging.

80775 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii28 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2200 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Lusaka, University of Zambia campus.0Zambia1528A4C1300

12-15 high tree with dense, more or less umbrella-shaped crown. Flowers pale yellow.

80776 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii4 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2274 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka.0Zambia1527D2C1075

10-15 m high tree. Flowers white to cream.

80777 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii6 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2299 RE Gereau MO
Forest ReserveKabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the Forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka).0Zambia1528A2C1200

Ca. 15 m high tree with roundish crown and straight, powerful spines. Flowers white to cream.

80778 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii15 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2329 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Chalimbana area 3 km SE Annisdale (ca. 20 km E Lusaka).0Zambia1528B3C1250

Large, more or less flat-topped tree ca. 15 m high, unarmed or with few long, straight spines. Flowers pale yellow.

81264 Cenchrus setaceus9 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2083 G Davidse MO
Mazabuka District; Kafue Gorge, 1-3 k below the hydroelectric power station.0ZambiaS1000

Densely tufted grass.

81376 Cissus integrifolia24 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2686 Rocky outcrop in miombe woodlandLusaka District; Chalimbana area, 2 km S Liempe, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road (c. 20 km E Lusaka).0ZambiaC1200

Suffruticose climber up to c. 8 m. Flowers inconspicuous, pale yellow.

81814 Cyphostemma rhodesiae30 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2239 KB Vollesen K
Waste-ground, small maize fields, and remnants of miombo woodland.Lusaka District; Univ. of Zambia Campus, Handsworth Court residential area, 1300 m.0ZambiaC1300

Stout herb, c 1 m high. Flowers greenish yellow.

81920 Diospyros kirkii4 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2286 DB Fanshawe Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c. 37 km WSW Lusaka.0ZambiaC1075

8-10 m high tree with wide roundish crown and dark rough bark. Flrs inconspicuous, yellowish.

81921 Diospyros kirkii30 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2719 DB Fanshawe Small valley with temporary stream.Lusaka District; along old Feira road 7 miles from intersection with Great East Road. 0ZambiaC800

Slender tree, 4-8 m high.

81924 Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea2 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2270 Lusaka District; 1 mile N Lusaka International Airport.0ZambiaC1200

Slender shrub 3-7 m high. Flrs light yellow.

81925 Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea15 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2325 Lusaka District; Chalimbana area 3 km SE Annisdale (c. 20 km E Lusaka).0ZambiaC1250

Slender shrub 3-5 m high. Flrs pale yellow.

81933 Diospyros mespiliformis4 Nov 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2434 Mazabuka District; Kafue Gorge, c. 1 km downstream from the hydroelectric power station.0ZambiaS1000

Large tree, c. 20 m high. Flrs brownish yellow.

81947 Diospyros senensis24 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2685 DB Fanshawe Rocky outcrop in miombe woodlandLusaka District; Chalimbana area, 2 km S Liempe, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road (c. 20 km E Lusaka).0ZambiaC1200

Small knotty tree c. 6 m high. Flrs. cream.

81949 Diospyros squarrosa31 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2740 Feira District; Katondwe Mission.0ZambiaC450

Much branched shrub c. 5 m high. calyx persistent, green.

81972 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon4 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2282 WAG
Combretum - Diplorhynchus woodlandLusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka.0ZambiaC1075

Shrub or small slender tree up to c. 8 m high. Co-dominant. Flowers white.

81973 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon6 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2298 WAG
Forest ReserveKabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka).0Zambia1528A2C1200

Slender tree 6-12 m high. Flowers white.

81974 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon23 Oct 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2417 DB Fanshawe Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the ZambesiBarorseland, Senanga District; 42 miles from the ferry S of Senanga along road to Sesheke, c 1000 m Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi.0Zambia1000

Slender tree c 8 m high. Flowers white.

82087 Ekebergia capensis5 Nov 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2457 At the waterfront in partly evergreen fringing forestLusaka District; at the waterfall in Mapompo River SW of Mwambula (c. 25 km SSE Lusaka)0Zambia1528C2C1200

Large tree at the waterfront in partly evergreen fringing forest. Young frts spherical, green.

82851 Maesa lanceolata7 Nov 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2474 J Ricketson MO
Lusaka District; Lusaka, just across Great East Road from Univ. of Zambia Campus0ZambiaC1300

Shrub, 3-5 m, fruit

83121 Panicum brazzavillense21 Nov 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2555 RE Gereau MO
Mwinilunga District; 20 miles from Mwinilunga along road to Kalene Hill0ZambiaW0

Watershed grassland

83611 Scleria griegifolia16 Dec 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2681 Lusaka District; 131 km from Lusaka along Great East Road. Locally known as the "80 mile dambo."0ZambiaC1120

83769 Stereospermum kunthianum10 Sep 1972AK Strid
AK Strid 2102 Mazabuka District; 4 miles from Kafue hydroelectric power station along road to Kafue township,0ZambiaS1200

Weakstemmed, profusely flowering tree c 5 m high. Flowers pink, somewhat darker inside.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Collections made by Arne Strid., retrieved 25 January 2025

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