Records made by Arne Strid

Records: 26

The following is a list of the records made by Arne Strid in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80713 Acacia amythethophylla 8 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2305 RE Gereau MO
Mazabuka District; 41 mi. from Lusaka along main road to Chirundu. 0 Zambia 1528D3 S 900

Shrub or small slender tree 3-7 m high.

-15.866667 28.700000 5
80714 Acacia amythethophylla 24 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2693 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Chalimbana area, c. 20 km E Lusaka, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road, somewhat NW of President's farm. 0 Zambia 1528B3 C 1200

Slender tree c. 8 m high.

-15.366667 28.583333 5
80733 Acacia goetzei subsp. goetzei 24 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2192 DB Fanshawe Lusaka District; Halfway between Lusaka and Chilanga along main road. 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 1300

8-10 m high tree. Flowers cream with pink calyx.

-15.533333 28.300000 4
80774 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 10 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2121 RE Gereau MO
Along road Mazabuka District; 4 mi. from Kafue Gorge hydroelectric power station along road to Kafue township. 0 Zambia 1528C4 S 1200

Much branched, ca. 10 m high tree. Spines straight, 5-7 cm long. New leaves just emerging.

-15.783333 28.266667 5
80775 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 28 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2200 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Lusaka, University of Zambia campus. 0 Zambia 1528A4 C 1300

12-15 high tree with dense, more or less umbrella-shaped crown. Flowers pale yellow.

-15.400000 28.333333 5
80776 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 4 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2274 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka. 0 Zambia 1527D2 C 1075

10-15 m high tree. Flowers white to cream.

-15.533333 27.966667 5
80777 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 6 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2299 RE Gereau MO
Forest Reserve Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the Forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka). 0 Zambia 1528A2 C 1200

Ca. 15 m high tree with roundish crown and straight, powerful spines. Flowers white to cream.

-15.010000 28.300000 4
80778 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 15 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2329 RE Gereau MO
Lusaka District; Chalimbana area 3 km SE Annisdale (ca. 20 km E Lusaka). 0 Zambia 1528B3 C 1250

Large, more or less flat-topped tree ca. 15 m high, unarmed or with few long, straight spines. Flowers pale yellow.

-15.366667 28.583333 5
81264 Cenchrus setaceus 9 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2083 G Davidse MO
Mazabuka District; Kafue Gorge, 1-3 k below the hydroelectric power station. 0 Zambia S 1000

Densely tufted grass.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81376 Cissus integrifolia 24 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2686 Rocky outcrop in miombe woodland Lusaka District; Chalimbana area, 2 km S Liempe, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road (c. 20 km E Lusaka). 0 Zambia C 1200

Suffruticose climber up to c. 8 m. Flowers inconspicuous, pale yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81814 Cyphostemma rhodesiae 30 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2239 KB Vollesen K
Waste-ground, small maize fields, and remnants of miombo woodland. Lusaka District; Univ. of Zambia Campus, Handsworth Court residential area, 1300 m. 0 Zambia C 1300

Stout herb, c 1 m high. Flowers greenish yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81920 Diospyros kirkii 4 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2286 DB Fanshawe Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c. 37 km WSW Lusaka. 0 Zambia C 1075

8-10 m high tree with wide roundish crown and dark rough bark. Flrs inconspicuous, yellowish.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81921 Diospyros kirkii 30 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2719 DB Fanshawe Small valley with temporary stream. Lusaka District; along old Feira road 7 miles from intersection with Great East Road. 0 Zambia C 800

Slender tree, 4-8 m high.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81924 Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea 2 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2270 Lusaka District; 1 mile N Lusaka International Airport. 0 Zambia C 1200

Slender shrub 3-7 m high. Flrs light yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81925 Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea 15 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2325 Lusaka District; Chalimbana area 3 km SE Annisdale (c. 20 km E Lusaka). 0 Zambia C 1250

Slender shrub 3-5 m high. Flrs pale yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81933 Diospyros mespiliformis 4 Nov 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2434 Mazabuka District; Kafue Gorge, c. 1 km downstream from the hydroelectric power station. 0 Zambia S 1000

Large tree, c. 20 m high. Flrs brownish yellow.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81947 Diospyros senensis 24 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2685 DB Fanshawe Rocky outcrop in miombe woodland Lusaka District; Chalimbana area, 2 km S Liempe, along road joining Great East Road and Leopards Hill Road (c. 20 km E Lusaka). 0 Zambia C 1200

Small knotty tree c. 6 m high. Flrs. cream.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81949 Diospyros squarrosa 31 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2740 Feira District; Katondwe Mission. 0 Zambia C 450

Much branched shrub c. 5 m high. calyx persistent, green.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81972 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 4 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2282 WAG
Combretum - Diplorhynchus woodland Lusaka/Mumbwa District; Iron ore outcrop at Sanje c 37 km WSW Lusaka. 0 Zambia C 1075

Shrub or small slender tree up to c. 8 m high. Co-dominant. Flowers white.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81973 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 6 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2298 WAG
Forest Reserve Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba Forest Reserve, near the forest Station (C 38 km N Lusaka). 0 Zambia 1528A2 C 1200

Slender tree 6-12 m high. Flowers white.

-15.010000 28.300000 4
81974 Diplorhynchus condylocarpon 23 Oct 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2417 DB Fanshawe Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi Barorseland, Senanga District; 42 miles from the ferry S of Senanga along road to Sesheke, c 1000 m Kalahari woodland overlooking west bank of the Zambesi. 0 Zambia 1000

Slender tree c 8 m high. Flowers white.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82087 Ekebergia capensis 5 Nov 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2457 At the waterfront in partly evergreen fringing forest Lusaka District; at the waterfall in Mapompo River SW of Mwambula (c. 25 km SSE Lusaka) 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 1200

Large tree at the waterfront in partly evergreen fringing forest. Young frts spherical, green.

-15.616667 28.400000 5
82851 Maesa lanceolata 7 Nov 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2474 J Ricketson MO
Lusaka District; Lusaka, just across Great East Road from Univ. of Zambia Campus 0 Zambia C 1300

Shrub, 3-5 m, fruit

0.000000 0.000000 0
83121 Panicum brazzavillense 21 Nov 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2555 RE Gereau MO
Mwinilunga District; 20 miles from Mwinilunga along road to Kalene Hill 0 Zambia W 0

Watershed grassland

0.000000 0.000000 0
83611 Scleria griegifolia 16 Dec 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2681 Lusaka District; 131 km from Lusaka along Great East Road. Locally known as the "80 mile dambo." 0 Zambia C 1120

0.000000 0.000000 0
83769 Stereospermum kunthianum 10 Sep 1972 AK Strid
AK Strid 2102 Mazabuka District; 4 miles from Kafue hydroelectric power station along road to Kafue township, 0 Zambia S 1200

Weakstemmed, profusely flowering tree c 5 m high. Flowers pink, somewhat darker inside.

0.000000 0.000000 0

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records made by Arne Strid., retrieved 25 January 2025

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