Literature: | | |
Phillips, S.M. (1998) Eriocaulaceae of the Flora Zambesiaca area Kirkia 17(1) 11-67 | |
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Names | FZ Divisions |
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828.000 ERIOCAULON L. | |
Eriocaulon abyssinicum Hochst. | N,W,C |
Eriocaulon ciliisepalum Rendle | |
Eriocaulon gilgianum Ruhland | |
Eriocaulon subulatum N.E. Br. | |
Eriocaulon africanum Hochst. | C,E |
Eriocaulon afzelianum Wikstr. ex Körn. | C |
Eriocaulon buchananii Ruhland | N,W,C |
Eriocaulon cinereum R. Br. | N,W |
Eriocaulon elegantulum Engl. | N,S |
Eriocaulon fuscum S.M. Phillips [End] | W |
Eriocaulon inyangense Arw. | E |
Eriocaulon maculatum Schinz | C |
Eriocaulon maronderanum S.M. Phillips | N,C |
Eriocaulon matopense Rendle [End] [DD] | W,C,E |
Eriocaulon dehniae H.E. Hess | |
Eriocaulon mutatum N.E. Br. | |
var. mutatum | C |
Eriocaulon mutatum N.E. Br. | |
var. angustisepalum (H.E. Hess) S.M. Phillips | C |
Eriocaulon pictum Fritsch | W,C,E |
Eriocaulon amphibium Rendle | |
Eriocaulon setaceum L. | N,W,C |
Eriocaulon sonderianum Körn. | E |
Eriocaulon decipiens N.E. Br. | |
Eriocaulon dregei Hochst. var. sonderianum (Körn.) Oberm. | |
Eriocaulon teusczii Engl. & Ruhland ex Ruhland | W,C,E,S |
Eriocaulon intrusum Meikle | |
Eriocaulon lacteum Rendle | |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum N.E. Br. | |
subsp. tofieldifolium (Schinz) S.M. Phillips | C |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum N.E. Br. | |
subsp. hanningtonii (N.E. Br.) S.M. Phillips | C |
Eriocaulon transvaalicum N.E. Br. | |
subsp. transvaalicum | C |
Eriocaulon welwitschii Rendle | W,C,S |
Eriocaulon wildii S.M. Phillips [End] [DD] | E |
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829.000 MESANTHEMUM Körn. | |
Mesanthemum africanum Moldenke [NrEnd] [LR-nt] | E |
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832.010 SYNGONANTHUS Ruhland | |
Syngonanthus longibracteatus Kimpouni | N,C,S |
Syngonanthus wahlbergii (Wikstr. ex Körn.) Ruhland | |
var. wahlbergii | W,C,E |
Syngonanthus wahlbergii (Wikstr. ex Körn.) Ruhland | |
var. sinkabolensis S.M. Phillips | C |