Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 108 (Nsumbu National Park Zambia )

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia hockii 1123114 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
Savannah grasslands and open woodlands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N787Growing in open areas of savannah grassland in sandy loam soils -8.60444030.4995306
EuphorbiaceaeAlchornea yambuyaƫnsis 809015 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
G McPherson

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Frequent understory shrub; leaves light green; male flowers with anthers light red; buds light red; female flowers with calyx green; stigmas long and deep red.-8.69222230.5488895
AraceaeAnchomanes difformis 809365 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Frequent herb from sometimes very large corms; infructescence stalks glaucous blue-green with lighter green spots with small spines; leaf light green.-8.69222230.5488895
PhyllanthaceaeAntidesma venosum 810105 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Frequent tree at edge of woodland and elsewhere; leaves deep green; aril glossy above, duller and lighter below; young fruits light yellow turning red to purple when ripe; N.V. (in Tonga_ "Kamulya kamuseka"-8.69222230.5488895
OxalidaceaeBiophytum abyssinicum 1123127 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman


Escarpment Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N946Growing in rocky escarpment Brachystegia woodland in sandy to sandy loam soils -8.66146030.3779806
AcanthaceaeBlepharis buchneri 1179269 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
Ruderal grasslands Nsumbu National Park, Nsama Distr., Northern Prov. 1080Zambia0830C2 N841Growing in ruderal sites along roadsides and Nkamba Bay airstrip -8.62701030.4476806
AcanthaceaeBlepharis grandis 1123139 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Savannah grasslands and open woodlands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N836Growing in open areas of savannah grassland in sandy loam soils -8.62701030.4476806
AcanthaceaeBlepharis maderaspatensis 1123145 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman


Open patches of Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N883Growing in small open/deciduous patches within Itigi thicket in sandy loam soil -8.53495030.4785206
NyctaginaceaeBoerhavia diffusa 811216 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
Wet forest along Lake TanganyikaKaputa District; Nsumbu National Forest, Kampasa Rain Forest, wet forest along Lake Tanganyika. 108,2000Zambia0830D1 N870Prostrate vining herb, contains white latex; younger stems pinkish; leaf with white undersides, young fruits green; petals pinkish-lavender, anthers yellow. Uncommon, grows in open, rocky area.-8.58333330.5000005
CapparaceaeBoscia mossambicensis 1123154 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman


Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1 N780Growing in open, hot areas of savannah grassland in sandy loam soils -8.60569030.5169406
CapparaceaeBoscia salicifolia 811327 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
MC Merello

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N1000Uncommon tree 15-20 m tall. White-green fruits.-8.59194430.4711115
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia stipulata 811875 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mupeta
E Tmngonga
DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mupeta
E Tmngonga
DK Harder

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Frequent tree to 8 m; in woodland on rocky soil; young pods light green.-8.69222230.5488895
ConnaraceaeBurttia prunoides 812276 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
MC Merello

Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Slender tree 5 m; petioles golden brown at base and apex; fruits golden brown, pubescent. Uncommon here but abundant in thickets.-8.60000030.4833334
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBussea massaiensis subsp. rhodesica 11664025 Mar 2022M Ghau
M Ghau
N Wightman
Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park, Sumbu Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N841On main Sumbu-Nkamba Bay road, a couple km from Park entrance -8.53235030.4735506
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCanavalia africana 1125863 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman


Riverine forest margins Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N801Growing along streamside at the margins of riverine forest in sandy to sandy loam soils -8.52991730.4975366
RhizophoraceaeCassipourea malosana 812496 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
MC Merello

Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Tree 6 m; foliage dark green glossy above, lighter beneath; sepals light yellow-green, ovary darker green; stigma brown; uncommon.-8.60000030.4833334
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum africanum 813286 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
I Nordal
Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Perennial herb from thick succulent roots; 10-20 cm tall; tepals white, filaments white, anthers yellow; leaf edge light yellow-brown; young fruits green. Common in grasslands.-8.60000030.4833334
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum gallabatense 813416 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
F Toka
Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Perennial herb 50 cm tall; foliage thinly succulent; glossy above, glaucous beneath; perianth green; anthers yellow; filaments white; fruits green, occasional. Found between rocks. Roots thick and fleshy.-8.60000030.4833334
CombretaceaeCombretum aureonitens 814327 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
CCH Jongkind

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N1000Occasional to common tree ca. 6 m tall. Fragrant flowers. Brown spots on the underleaf surface and flower stalk. White petals and stamens with yellow anthers.-8.59194430.4711115
CombretaceaeCombretum mweroense 1125875 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman

Margins of Itigi thicket and munga woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N883Growing along the margins of Itigi thicket and tall grass open munga woodland in sandy to sandy loam soils -8.53495030.4785206
BurseraceaeCommiphora pteleifolia 1125885 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N950Growing in dense areas of Itigi thicket in sandy loam to clay loam soil -8.59086030.4763006
RubiaceaeCremaspora triflora subsp. triflora 815755 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
D Bridson

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Rare understory shrub to 3 m; weak stems and wood; calyx green, all other flower parts white, sweetly, spicy fragrant; fruits bright pink-red.-8.69222230.5488895
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCrotalaria pallida var. obovata 816676 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mulimo
DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mulimo
DK Harder

Open woodland at shores of Lake Tanganyika, Chilanga Rocks Campground. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park.1080Zambia0830D1 N900Shrub on sandy shores of lake, 1 m tall; wings and banner petals yellow; banner with maroon stripes outside; keel yellow with maroon stripes, filaments, stigma and style green-white; anthers yellow, fruits green tinged with red.-8.55000030.6166675
AraceaeCulcasia orientalis 817245 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
Kew Staff

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900High climbing vine to 10 m, climbing with aid of roots into bark; spathe light green-yellow; spadix lighter white; fruits orange.-8.69222230.5488895
CyperaceaeCyperus articulatus 817585 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
C Archer

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Frequent herb from rhizome in low lying areas and wet places along river.-8.69222230.5488895
EbenaceaeDiospyros mweroensis 1166394 Mar 2022M Ghau
N Wightman
Miombo woodland and termitaria Nsumbu National Park, Sumbu Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N1063Growing in the transition zone between Itigi thicket and Pericopsis woodland -8.54102030.3345506
DracaenaceaeDracaena mannii 820315 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional tree to 10 m; weak-wooded; inflorescence stalk light orange; fruits bright red-orange.-8.69222230.5488895
PoaceaeEragrostis racemosa 821577 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
L Fish

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N1000Anthers purple-blue.-8.59194430.4711115
MoraceaeFicus trichopoda (cultivated) 823205 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
C Berg
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Tree to 12 m; leaves glossy above, duller, lighter below; syconium green turning yellow when mature.-8.69222230.5488895
SalicaceaeFlacourtia indica 823315 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
RE Gereau

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional tree to 8 m; armed with spines on twigs and branches; young fruits light green.-8.69222230.5488895
LamiaceaeHaumaniastrum katangense 1125896 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Open munga and miombo woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N981Growing amongst tall grasses in open areas of munga and miombo woodlands in sandy loam soils -8.65307030.3878706
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeHolarrhena pubescens 825196 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
AJM Leeuwenberg

Wet forest along Lake TanganyikaKaputa District; Nsumbu National Forest, Kampasa Rain Forest, wet forest along Lake Tanganyika. 108,2000Zambia0830D1 N870Slender tree 4 m; foliage light green glossy above, dull beneath; calyx green, corolla white; flowers fragrant; contains white latex. Very abundant in thickets, less common in open areas.-8.58333330.5000005
LamiaceaeHoslundia opposita 825296 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
AJ Paton

Open woodland at shores of Lake Tanganyika, Chilanga Rocks Campground. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park.1080Zambia0830D1 N900Scrambling shrub 3 m tall; perianth white; "generic herbal" fragrance. Very common.-8.55000030.6166675
AcanthaceaeHypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii 1125906 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Miombo woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N980Growing in miombo woodland in sandy loam soils -8.65762030.3897106
AcanthaceaeJusticia salvioides 1149795 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
I Darbyshire


Margins of Itigi Thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N879Growing in semi-open Itigi thicket by termitaria in sandy/clay loam soil -8.53617030.4775906
CapparaceaeMaerua kirkii 828425 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
MC Merello

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional; shrub at river's edge; deep green, rough leaves; primary and secondary veins yellow on adaxial surface; young fruits green becoming orange; seeds with deep red aril.-8.69222230.5488895
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeMillettia eetveldeana var. brevistipellata 829177 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N850Occasional tree of 5-6 m tall with purple-brown bracts and purple petals, white filament and green-yellow anthers.-8.59583330.3944445
AnnonaceaeMonanthotaxis buchananii 829355 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
GE Schatz

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional; vine in understory rarely climbing above 2 m; leaves deep green; sepals light green; petals bright yellow. 5
OchnaceaeOchna polyneura 830287 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
RE Gereau

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N850Occasional plant 6 m tall with yellow inflorescence.-8.59583330.3944445
AnacardiaceaeOzoroa pwetoensis var. pwetoensis 1125923 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman

Open munga and miombo woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1 N820Growing amongst tall grasses in open areas of munga and miombo woodlands in sandy loam soils -8.52048030.5432106
AmaranthaceaePandiaka rubro-lutea 1125939 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N980Growing in open exposed areas of savannah grasslands in sandy soils -8.65762030.3897106
PoaceaePanicum heterostachyum 1125946 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Itigi thicket Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N1070Growing in dense shade of Itigi thicket in sandy loam to clay loam soils -8.67139030.3953806
AsteraceaePleiotaxis rogersii 1125955 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N945Growing in rocky escarpment Brachystegia woodland in sandy to sandy loam soils -8.64716030.4011506
PhyllanthaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. polygyna 833457 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
AR Smith

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N1000Occasional 6 m tall tree with light brown veins on leaves. Light green fruits with faint spots.-8.59194430.4711115
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaePseudoprosopis fischeri 833477 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
RE Gereau

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N850Common tree ca. 6 m tall with sweet-smelling flowers. White inflorescence and yellow anthers.-8.59583330.3944445
CombretaceaePteleopsis anisoptera 833927 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
CCH Jongkind

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N1000Uncommon tree ca. 6 m tall with purple fruits.-8.59194430.4711115
RubiaceaeRothmannia engleriana 834815 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
D Bridson

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional tree to 4 m; in woodland; leaves with light yellow veins adaxially; calyx yellow-green; corolla tube with white outside; lobes and throat with red spots; anthers white; stigma light yellow-white.-8.69222230.5488895
RubiaceaeRothmannia whitfieldii 834965 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
D Bridson

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Common understory shrub to 3 m; leaves deep green above, lighter below; fruit light green; ants in fruit.-8.69222230.5488895
AcanthaceaeRuspolia seticalyx 1125963 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
Riverine forest Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N812Growing at base of rock cliff beside Muzinga Falls in sandy loam to clay loam soils -8.53016930.4979276
CelastraceaeSalacia bussei (possibly planted)835465 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
MC Merello

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1081Zambia0830D1 N900Shrub regrown from coppiced root; in cultivated field; leaves deep green; calyx and corolla light green-yellow; nectary disk deep green; filaments and anthers yellow-orange.-8.69222230.5488895
AnacardiaceaeSearsia lucens 1125973 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman

Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1 N775Growing in rocky lakeside grassland and lakeshore by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils -8.51365030.5800506
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna obtusifolia 1125984 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman


Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830D1 N770-8.59551030.5263206
PoaceaeSetaria sphacelata 1125997 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
Riverine woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N992Growing in small soil pockets and crevices of rocky riverine stream bed -8.66522530.3791636
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeStrophanthus eminii 1126007 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
Open Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N1020Growing in open exposed areas of Brachystegia woodland in sandy to sandy loam soils -8.66994630.3855746
LoganiaceaeStrychnos matopensis 838146 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
AJM Leeuwenberg

Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Vine in tree tops at heights of 2-3 m; calyx green, corolla white. Frequent.-8.60000030.4833334
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeTamarindus indica 838605 Dec 1993DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mupeta
E Tmngonga
DK Harder
MC Merello
CN Nkhoma
M Mupeta
E Tmngonga
DK Harder

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional tree 15 m tall; rough grey and black bark; leaflets light green; calyx green at base with yellow-orange lobes; standard closed to an open tube, orange with red veins; filaments red-green; ovary light green.-8.69222230.5488895
RubiaceaeTarenna gossweileri var. gossweileri 838875 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Occasional; shrub in understory; leaves deep green and dull above; calyx dark green; corolla tube white; flowers only in bud and past; (open at night?) young fruits light green.-8.69222230.5488895
DilleniaceaeTetracera masuiana 839507 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
MC Merello

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N850Shrub common along road in open woodland outside thickets. Sepals purple at edges. Petals white, light green pistil, yellow-pink anthers.-8.59583330.3944445
MeliaceaeTrichilia prieuriana 840226 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
MC Merello

Wet forest along Lake TanganyikaKaputa District; Nsumbu National Forest, Kampasa Rain Forest, wet forest along Lake Tanganyika. 108,2000Zambia0830D1 N870Tree 6 m; fruits chalky, white-green in color; frequent.-8.58333330.5000005
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeTriumfetta tomentosa 1126015 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman


Open Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N913Growing along the margins of Brachystegia woodlands and tall grasslands in sandy loam soils -8.63796030.3973506
MeliaceaeTurraea nilotica 1126073 Jun 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman
P Sichone
N Wightman


Rocky wooded grassland by the shore of Lake Tanganyika Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N775Growing in rocky lakeside grassland by Lake Tanganyika in sandy loam to sandy soils -8.51365030.3973506
RubiaceaeVangueria burnettii 838756 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
D Bridson

Forest of steep, rocky dry water fallKaputa Region, Nsumbu National Forest, Nkamba Bay Valley Area.1080Zambia0830C2 N915Small shrub 3 m; calyx light green, buds white and "downy soft". Uncommon.-8.60000030.4833334
RutaceaeVepris nobilis 839016 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello
MC Merello

Wet forest along Lake TanganyikaKaputa District; Nsumbu National Forest, Kampasa Rain Forest, wet forest along Lake Tanganyika. 108,2000Zambia0830D1 N870Tree 6 m; young fruits light green. Common.-8.58333330.5000005
RutaceaeVepris trichocarpa 838977 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma
MC Merello

In green thickets on flat landKaputa District; Nsumbu National Park. 11.6 km from Nkamba Lodge west, 4.4 km southwest from bridge on road to park gate at Nsumbu in green thickets on flat land. 1080Zambia0830C2 N850Occasional shrub with oblong fruits. Recorded as Teclea fischeri-8.59583330.3944445
AsteraceaeVernonia jelfiae var. albida 1126057 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Open Brachystegia woodland Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N1025Growing along the margins of Brachystegia woodlands and tall grasslands in sandy loam soils -8.67641030.3830306
AsteraceaeVernonia perrottetii 1126069 May 2020N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman
P Sichone
R Williams
G Phiri
N Wightman

Savannah grasslands Nsumbu National Park; Nsama Distr., Northern Province 1080Zambia0830C2 N896Growing in open exposed areas of savannah grasslands in sandy soils -8.63336030.3955706
RutaceaeZanthoxylum trijugum 842275 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder
RE Gereau

In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1 N900Shrub in woodland on rocky soils; calyx green; petals lighter green; ovaries light green; female flowers only.-8.69222230.5488895

Number of records found: 67

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Location search results: Nsumbu National Park Zambia .
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=108, retrieved 20 September 2024

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