Climbers, trees or shrubs. Stipules absent, but pseudostipules sometimes present. Leaves opposite (rarely in whorls of 3), usually compound, namely 2-3-pinnate, imparipinnately 1-pinnate or 3-foliolate with the terminal leaflet sometimes a tendril or rarely simple. Inflorescences of terminal or axillary panicles or racemes, sometimes reduced to a fascicle or a solitary flower. Flowers zygomorphic, bisexual, often showy. Calyx gamosepalous, usually with 5 teeth or lobes, sometimes spathaceous. Corolla gamopetalous, 2-lipped or not, with a conspicuous tube and 5 lobes. Stamens usually 4, didynamous, with 1 staminode. Disk hypogynous, nectariferous. Ovary superior, usually 2-locular, less often 1-locular. Style 1, terminal. Fruit usually a dehiscent, often elongated, capsule, rarely fleshy and indehiscent (Kigelia). Seeds numerous, winged in species with capsules, without wings in those with indehiscent fruits. Worldwide: 109 genera and 750 species, mainly tropical, especially South America. Zimbabwe: 28 cultivated genera and 52 cultivated taxa. |