Records determined by Jonathan Timberlake

Determinations: 32

The following is a list of the records determined by Jonathan Timberlake in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
74094Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana9 Nov 2015VR Fijamo
VR Fijamo VR8 J Timberlake K
Floresta aberta de solo franco arenoso avermelhado, com predominancia de Brachystegia spp, Julbernardia globiflora e Erythrophleum suaveolensis. Found alond the roadMutondha Forest, in Mahate. Along Mudzira river440Mozambique1933C1MS566


122420 (cultivated)Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (cultivated)11 Jul 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
A Sinclair
J Timberlake Planted in gardenBridgeways Complex, Avondale, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3C1490

Pods grey, the 'beads' bulging; flowers pale yellow.

122421 (cultivated)Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (cultivated)11 Jul 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
A Sinclair
J Timberlake Planted in gardenBridgeways Complex, Avondale, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3C1489

74030Albizia versicolor6 Nov 2015J Timberlake
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
JA Massunde JM142 J Timberlake K
Floresta de galerias solo hidromolmofico franco arrenosso, com predominancia da Breonadia, Brachystegia utilis, B. glaucescensFloresta Mahate, no rio Mudzira rodeado de mutas rochas grande440Mozambique1933C1MS397

Arvore, caule rugosa, folhas recompostas,

73993Brachystegia boehmii10 Nov 2015A Banze
A Banze 344 J Timberlake K
Woodland forest, associated with Brachystegia spiciformis.Chimanimani, Mahate, Chipara forest.440Mozambique1933C1MS558

Tree about 6 to 8 m tall, bark grey, whitish green flowers.

51815Brachystegia glaucescens17 Apr 2010J Timberlake
MG Bingham
J Timberlake MG Bingham 13846 J Timberlake K
On granite sand. One of a stand of mature trees. Copperbelt Province; Chingola District, Chingola town.0Zambia1227D2W1376


51817Brachystegia glaucescens17 Apr 2010J Timberlake
MG Bingham
J Timberlake MG Bingham 13846 J Timberlake K
On granite sand. One of a stand of mature trees. Copperbelt Province; Chingola District, Chingola town.0Zambia1227D2W1376

74086Brachystegia glaucescens17 Nov 2015J Timberlake
I Darbyshire
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
J Timberlake 6144 J Timberlake K
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders.Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548.440Mozambique1933C3MS376

Spreading tree to 4 or 8 m, sometimes with multiple stems. Bark smooth, light grey, heavily covered in lichens. Fine narrow leaflets, drooping in rain or at night.

74745Brachystegia glaucescens27 Oct 2014J Timberlake
K Mutasa
J Timberlake JT6009 J Timberlake SRGH
Open Brachystegia woodland on shallow soils over white sandstone with Uapaca kirkiana. Quite a lot of regeneration. Mudzunzo locality, between rios Mucano and Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1146

Spreading canopy tree to 8m, canopy open. Up to 20 leaflet pairs, not overlapping; middle leaflets largest. Pods woody, all fallen and dehisced, 4-5 seeded. Dominant species here.

98385Brachystegia glaucescens30 Jun 2015J Timberlake
JA Massunde
J Timberlake 6094 J Timberlake K
Open dry woodland on quartzite rocky hillside.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba area, Muriro village, edge of Tekeza forest. wp269450Mozambique1933C3MS468

Large spreading open-canopied tree to 15 m. Leaves pinnate, fine-leaved, 22-24 leaflet pairs.

51797Brachystegia manga15 May 2007MG Bingham
MG Bingham 13280 J Timberlake K
Woodland Lusaka Province, Lusaka east, Chiawa Game Management Area. Cheowa Prospect Camp.0Zambia1529C1C1128

Dominant woodland tree.

61721Brachystegia spiciformis17 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
J Timberlake JT5965 J Timberlake SRGH
Rocky slope on sandstone, mostly tussock grass Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts168320Mozambique1933C1MS1582

Patch of low-branching trees to 4m high. Trunks heavily crusted with lichens. Buds large, ovoid; sometimes much smaller. Six pairs of leaflets. Rachis softly but sparsely hairy. Leaves glossy green, leathery. Some pink-flushed young growth. Pods woody, massive.

98383Brachystegia spiciformis30 Jun 2015J Timberlake
JA Massunde
J Timberlake 6092 J Timberlake K
Dry forest on hillside with Pteleopsis, Albizia, and understory of Englerophytum. On quartzite.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba area, Muriro village, edge of Tekeza forest. wp267450Mozambique1933C3MS438

Shrub to 1.5 m. Leaves glossy green, 2-3 pinnae pairs; stipular bud somewhat flattened.

98399Brachystegia spiciformis1 Jul 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6108 J Timberlake K
Millettia-Brachystegia open woodland.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280450Mozambique1933C3MS383

Spreading canopy tree to 10 m, branching low. Bark dark, flaking. Leaves glossy green, terminal pair largest; buds rounded.

73994Burkea africana10 Nov 2015A Banze
A Banze 345 J Timberlake K
Woodland forest at the top of Chipara hill near the camp side.Chimanimani, Mahate, Chipara forest.440Mozambique1933C1MS596

Small tree about 5 m tall, terminal stems reddish.

73656Chamaecrista mimosoides14 Nov 2015I Darbyshire
A Banze
I Darbyshire 901 J Timberlake K
Seasonally wet open grassland with sandy-peaty soils, some areas now dried out and with more sandy soil; scattered small trees and bushes of Maprounea africana, Aeschynomene, Dissotis and Eriosema; and small patches of swamp forest.Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Wandowani, west of Comeni's compound.440Mozambique1933C3MS340

Perennial herb with wiry decumbent stems. Flowers bright yellow.

98356Chamaecrista mimosoides3 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 285 J Timberlake K
Chimanimani, Zomba450Mozambique1933C4MS187

Herb with woody stems, 40 cms tall, flowers yellow, pods.

61888Chamaecrista wittei15 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM645 J Timberlake SRGH
Growing between quartzite boulders in white quartzite sand. Northern slope below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS1354

Herb with Yellow flowers. A few plants seen in the vicinity.

74049Elephantorrhiza goetzei subsp. goetzei10 Nov 2015J Timberlake
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
JA Massunde JM162 J Timberlake GP Lewis K
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescens, B. utilis, B. spiciformis e Julbernardia globifloraFloresta Mahate no monte chipara proximo do rio Mudzira rodeado de rochas440Mozambique1933C1MS581

Arbusto de 4m altura, caule escuro, vagem comprido cerca de 30cm, folhas recompostas caducas

74080Entada abyssinica14 Nov 2015J Timberlake
I Darbyshire
A Banze
VR Fijamo
JA Massunde
J Timberlake 6138 J Timberlake K
Wooded grassland with Maprounea africana.Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Ndowane area, near Comene forest. wp 518.440Mozambique1933C3MS337

Tree to 4 m. Long spicate axillary inflorescence, greenish-white with yellow anthers. Many ants farming scale insects.

74062Entada rheedei18 Nov 2015I Darbyshire
A Banze
JA Massunde JM178 J Timberlake K
Floresta sempre verde, com pouca vegetacao de estrato inferior, solos francos arrenosos, com paior ocorrencia de Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchananii, Craterispermum sp, Garcinia sp, Mirants sp, Bligh unijugata Dianella sp e Uapaca lissopyrenaComunidade Maronga,sudeste de Chimanimani, floresta Comeni na margem do rio Murere.440Mozambique1933C3MS285

Trepadeira de 7m comprimento, folhas recomposta, alternadas, parpinuladas, semente grande redondo e toda ela verde

73995Erythrophleum suaveolens10 Nov 2015A Banze
A Banze 346 J Timberlake K
Woodland forest at the top of Chipara hill near the camp side.Chimanimani, Mahate, Chipara forest.440Mozambique1933C1MS596

Tree about 8 to 10 m tall, flowers in buds.

59031Faurea saligna14 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura J Timberlake Rocky miombo woodlandAlong Nhamadzi River, lower Chimanimani Conservation Area.168320Mozambique1933C1MS875

73975Julbernardia globiflora7 Nov 2015A Banze
A Banze 326 J Timberlake K
Open woodland, chiparo forest.Chimanimani, Chiparo forest.440Mozambique1933C1MS445

Tree about 7 m tall, bark brown, leaves bipinnate, with stipules.

73999Julbernardia globiflora10 Nov 2015A Banze
A Banze 350 J Timberlake K
Woodland forest, in the camp near bar side going down the river.Chimanimani, Mahate, Chipara forest.440Mozambique1933C1MS501

Tree about 8 to 10 m tall, dark brown bark, flowering.

62077Kniphofia splendida25 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM697 J Timberlake SRGH
Growing in very wet ground near a pond full of water dug by gold panners. This stream is heavily panned and said to have yielded lots of gold in the past. Tributary of the Muvemodzi, Chimanimani Mts.168320Mozambique1933C3MS1631

All inflorescence seen here has flowered and plants are now in seed. The inflorescence is about 140cm long. Edges of leaf blades toothed. Fruits brownish and tubers yellow.

59453Murdannia simplex16 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
J Timberlake JT5962 J Timberlake RB Faden SRGH
Grassy slopes above Brachystegia microphylla woodland Base of cliff below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani mountains, Sussundenga Dist. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS1401

Slightly succulent herb. White fleshy roots. Leaves mostly basal, often reddish. Flowers in a terminal head, pale purple.

62139Platycaulos quartziticola25 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
J Timberlake JT5986 J Timberlake I Darbyshire SRGH
Tufted grassland on white sand by bend in river with sandbanks. By Rio Mfumudzi, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C3 MS1629

Clumped Restio, wiry shoots to 50cm. Terminal brown inflorescences.

59452Uapaca sansibarica14 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
J Timberlake JT5958 J Timberlake SRGH
In coarse river gravel among schist rocks. With Pandanus and Breonadia. Rio Namadze. Lower Chimanimani mountains, Sussundenga District. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS762

Small tree to 5m. Some small stilt roots at base. Leaves whorled, large, leathery. Few saplings around.

74723Uapaca sansibarica27 Oct 2014J Timberlake
K Mutasa
J Timberlake 5987 J Timberlake G Challen SRGH
Uapaca kirkiana woodland on schist rocky hillock. Just 1-2 trees among U. kirkiana. Rio Mucano by Rio Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains.168330Mozambique1933C3MS1116

Tree to 8m, branching low. In full leaf; long petiole. Unripe fruits.

110219Vitex mombassae12 Mar 2009JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows SM Burrows 11183 J Timberlake BNRH
46 km south of the Rovuma River on the road to Unango.0Mozambique1135C4N704

Small tree to 5 m tall; in miombo woodland.

62076Widdringtonia nodiflora24 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM695 J Timberlake SRGH
Growing in between rocks on very rocky mountain slope with numerous caves. Southeast facing slope of Mt Nhamedimu, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C3 MS1745

Gymnosperm with green fruits, drying brown. Tannin smell, Grows to about 2m tall.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Jonathan Timberlake., retrieved 15 September 2024

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