Records determined by Aurelio Banze

Determinations: 23

The following is a list of the records determined by Aurelio Banze in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
98360Achyrospermum carvalhoi var. carvalhoi25 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6066 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Celtis, Newtonia, Funtumia.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, c.4 km from Ndzou Camp. wp208450Mozambique1933C4MS529

Woody herb to 1.5 m. Large toothed leaves, mostly terminal. Conspicuous clusters of axillary flowers in axils, often without leaves. Brilliant red curved flowers with extruding yellow stamens.

98343Basananthe triloba2 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 269 I Darbyshire I Chelene A Banze K
Thequeza forest, above the mountain450Mozambique1933C3MS549

Climber with red stems, greenish white flowers.

98367Bersama abyssinica26 Jun 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6075 I Darbyshire I Chelene A Banze K
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Millettia-Newtonia.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Mbiquiza forest, between Mussapa & Tave rivers. wp228450Mozambique1933C2MS560

Sub-canopy tree to 6 m. Leaves clustered terminally, with winged rachis. Fruit large, green, axillary, splitting open later.

74013Bridelia atroviridis24 Jun 2015A Banze
JA Massunde
MR Cheek
JA Massunde JM1 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Floresta sempre verde, com pouca vegetacao de estrato inferior, solos francos arrenosos, com paior ocorrencia de Funtumia africana, Combretum zeyheri e Newtonia buchananiiFloresta Moribane margem do rio Tave perto do acampamento na picada de Candida84450Mozambique1933C2 MS547

Arvore de 6m altura, caule Preto acastanhado fruto pequeno circular 5mm de diametro, folhas simples alternadas

98339Celosia trigyna2 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 263 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Thequeza forest, along Thequeza river.450Mozambique1933C3MS549

Herb about 15 cms, white flowers.

98361Celtis gomphophylla25 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6067 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous forest, forested slope. Edge of small incised valley. Loam soil.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, c.4 km from Ndzou Camp. wp20984450Mozambique1933C4 MS566

Buttressed tree to 25 m, partly fallen. Shallow root plate. Bark lenticelled, foetid smell when cut. Leaves asymmetric at base. Fruits small, round, stalked.

98362Clerodendrum cephalanthum subsp. swynnertonii25 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6068 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Open woodland with shrubs surrounded by semi-deciduous forest. Valley head, on bottomSussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, headwaters of Rio Tave, by sacred Ngurume forest. wp213450Mozambique1933C4MS522

Climbing shrub with 'pegs', stem ?square. Leaves single, alternate, glossy. Terminal inflorescence with large bracts. Flowers with long tube, white, protruding curved stamens and stigma. Moth pollinated?

74014Clutia abyssinica var. abyssinica24 Jun 2015A Banze
JA Massunde
MR Cheek
JA Massunde JM2 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Floresta sempre verde, com pouca vegetacao de estrato inferior, solos francos arrenosos, com paior ocorrencia de Funtumia africana, Combretum zeyheri e Newtonia buchananiiFloresta Moribane margem do rio Tave perto do acampamento na picada de Candida84450Mozambique1933C2MS525

Arbusto verde de 2m altura com flores de 10 petalas branca acastanhada, folhas simples lanceolada, alternada e peninervias

98400Croton sylvaticus1 Jul 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6109 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Millettia open woodland, just above forested ravine.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, Tekeza forest. On quartzite. wp280450Mozambique1933C3MS383

Canopy tree to 15 m. Bark smooth. Slash slightly aromatic, yellow-green. Leaves with stellate hairs underneath.

98384Englerophytum magalismontanum30 Jun 2015J Timberlake
JA Massunde
J Timberlake 6093 A Banze K
Dry forest on hillside with Albizia adianthifolia, and understory of Englerophytum. On quartzite.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba area, Muriro village, edge of Tekeza forest. wp268450Mozambique1933C3MS450

Tree to 6 m, often regenerating or coppicing. Generally an understory shrub. Milky latex. Flowering on stems. Leaves dark green, with brown hairs underneath.

74020Faurea saligna2 Jul 2015A Banze
JA Massunde
MR Cheek
JA Massunde JM8 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Floresta de montanha, solos franco arrenoso com predominancia de muitas rochas e maior ocorrencia da Brachystegia glaucescensFloresta Thekeza no cume da montanha rodeado de pedras450Mozambique1933C3MS537

Arvore de 8m, folhas simples lanceoladas

98382Geophila repens28 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6091 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia; Funtumia in understory.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga area, path from Nzou camp. wp25784450Mozambique1933C2MS552

Creeping herb to 20 cm high, on path in shade, rooting at nodes. Leaves orbicular. Fruits hidden under leaves, soft, fleshy, 2-seeded, tomato-red. Seeds collected.

112085Grewia sulcata8 Sep 2009JE Burrows
SM Burrows
H Matimele
A Banze
JE Burrows SM Burrows 11394 H Matimele A Banze K
Camp of Hunters Mozambique concession, on banks of Rovuma River, Nangade District.0Mozambique1039D4N50

Straggly shrub to 2 m high and 3 m wide, in riverine scrub of riverbanks, in tall Sterculia/Cordyla/Millettia stuhlmannii woodland on alluvium. Scattered.-x000D- -x000D- [K note: 1st for Mozambique]

98357Justicia striata3 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 286 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Chimanimani, Zomba450Mozambique1933C4MS187

Herb about 1 m tall, flowers white.

98350Lippia javanica3 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 279 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Chimanimani, Zomba450Mozambique1933C4MS143

Shrub, 2 - 4 m tall, flowers greenish white, crushed leaves aromatic.

98393Macaranga capensis1 Jul 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6102 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous moister forest near stream with Newtonia-Funtumia and evergreen understory.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp277450Mozambique1933C3MS333

Large tree to 15 m. Bark light coloured, smooth, with red slash. Leaves heart-shaped, somewhat peltate.

98363Maesa lanceolata25 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6069 I Darbyshire A Banze K
Grassy valley. Edge of swamp grassland.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, valley of Rio Tave, by sacred Ngurume forest. wp216450Mozambique1933C4MS491

Shrub to 2 m. Glossy unequal leaves. Flowers in axillary inflorescence, small, white.

98381Pseuderanthemum subviscosum28 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6090 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Newtonia; Funtumia in understory.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga area, path from Nzou camp. wp256450Mozambique1933C2MS566

Forest floor woody herb. Leaves dark green, not deciduous. Inflorescence axillary, not developed.

98365Pycnostachys urticifolia25 Jun 2015J Timberlake
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6071 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Grassy valley. Edge of swamp grassland.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, valley of Rio Tave, by sacred Ngurume forest. wp216450Mozambique1933C4MS491

Herb to 150 cm. Leaves aromatic. Terminal tight clustered inflorescence, flowers bright blue, bracts spiny.

98353Pyrenacantha kirkii3 Jul 2015A Banze
A Banze 282 I Darbyshire I Chelene A Banze K
Chimanimani, Zomba450Mozambique1933C4MS192

Climber, fruit yellow, brown when dry.

98369Rinorea ferruginea27 Jun 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6077 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous dry forest with Pteleopsis-Newtonia-Funtumia, understory.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Mpunga Centro, Chiquartira forest. wp234450Mozambique1933C4 MS573

Shrub to 1.5 m. Leaves dark, glossy, toothed towards tip. Flowers small in terminal raceme, yellowish, closed.

98392Rinorea ferruginea1 Jul 2015J Timberlake
VR Fijamo
L Nkuna
J Timberlake 6101 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Semi-deciduous moister forest with Newtonia-Funtumia and evergreen understory.Sussundenga Dist., Chimanimani foothills, Zomba-Muranga area, near Tekeza forest. wp277450Mozambique1933C3 MS333

Large shrub to small understory tree with spreading branches. Leaves evergreen with drip-tip, margins serrated, tapering at base, marked pulvinus. Inflorescence terminal, not yet open.

98337Thunbergia usambarica24 Jun 2015A Banze
A Banze 261 I Darbyshire A Banze AJ Zombamele K
Moribane forest, Mpunga, along Ntave river84450Mozambique1933C2MS506

Climbing herb, blue flowers.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Aurelio Banze., retrieved 8 September 2024

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