Records made by Benny Bytebier

Records: 79

The following is a list of the records made by Benny Bytebier in species name order.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column

NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
119242 Aerangis mystacidii 10 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
B Bytebier Riverine forest Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1431

116641 Afrohybanthus enneaspermus 22 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
L Merrett Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Mpika Distr. Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1494

-12.422372 31.277046 6
119243 Agelanthus subulatus 10 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
KB Vollesen Miombo woodland margin Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1456

Growing on Pericopsis angolensis

-12.453907 31.290878 6
106203 Brachycorythis buchananii 6 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3554 B Bytebier K
Dambo; drier part of dambo Luchindasi dambo; chieftainess Mukukamfumu. 58 0 Zambia 1031A2 N 1243

106208 Brachycorythis buchananii 7 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3559 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo but not under water with high grass. Upper slopes of riverside dambo grassland beside Lukupa River 58 0 Zambia 1031A1 N 1325

106252 Brachycorythis buchananii 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3605 B Bytebier K
Roadside dambo; in low grass in drier parts of the dambo. D235 road between Samfya and Serenje; at "80 km from Serenje milestone" between Oka Kamwendo and Namutoya. 58 0 Zambia 1330A1 C 1545

106199 Brachycorythis congoensis 6 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3553 B Bytebier K
Dambo; drier part of dambo Luchindasi dambo; chieftainess Mukukamfumu. 58 0 Zambia 1031A2 N 1243

116643 Brachycorythis tenuior 27 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier Lightly wooded seepage dambo grassland Saise Valley, Kalambo Farm, Mbala Distr., Northern Province 0 Zambia 0931A2 N 1613

Small population of albino flowered plants amid regular purple flowered plants

100601 Bulbophyllum fuscum var. melinostachyum 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
B Bytebier High rainfall Miombo woodland Epiphyte and lithophyte in rocky seepage woodland area near to Kalungwishi headwaters 0 Zambia 0930C4 N 1640

Large clumps growing on rocks and tree trunks with Cyrtorchis praetermissa, Cyrtorchis crassiflora, Bulbophyllum expallidum, Tridactyle sp. and Polystachya sp.

106226 Bulbophyllum fuscum var. melinostachyum 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3577 B Bytebier K
Rocky miombo woodland with lots of Xerophyta Roadside seepage dambo on D39 near Kalungwishi headwaters 58 0 Zambia 0930C1 N 1636

100546 Chlorophytum calyptrocarpum 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman Sandy seepage zone among rocky outcrop Kundalila Falls, Serenje Distr., Central Province 121 0 Zambia 1330B1 C 1509

-13.154713 30.700610 6
100547 Chlorophytum cameronii var. pterocaulon 6 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman Wet dambo in black muck soil Luchindasi dambo, Mungwi area, Kasama Distr., Northern Province 0 Zambia 1031B3 N 1216

-10.344928 31.529080 6
100549 Chlorophytum galpinii var. matabelense 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman Rocky outcrop in soil pocket By dining area of Mutinondo Lodge, Mpika Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1458

-12.454933 31.291406 6
120968 Chlorophytum recurvifolium 22 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW747 KB Vollesen K
Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Lavushi Manda District, Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 0

The collection of this specimen is the first record of the species for Zambia

-12.452903 31.291590 6
106253 Cynorkis debilis 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3606 B Bytebier K
On rocks in shade of trees or in humus below the rocks, next to dambo. D235 road between Samfya and Serenje; at "80 km from Serenje milestone" between Oka Kamwendo and Namutoya. 58 0 Zambia 1330A1 C 1545

119245 Cyphostemma crotalarioides 10 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier NCW876j KB Vollesen NDO
Miombo woodland/rocky outcrops Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1481

-12.400465 31.300930 6
119247 Cyphostemma viscosum 16 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
D du Plessis
N Wightman Miombo woodland Mutuwila Farm, Kabwe Distr., Central Province 0 Zambia 1428C2 C 1153

-14.689020 28.446611 6
106224 Disa equestris 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3575 B Bytebier K
Wet, grassy seepage dambo. Roadside seepage dambo on D39 near Kalungwishi headwaters 58 0 Zambia 0930C1 N 1636

106179 Disa hircicornis 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3535 B Bytebier K
In full sun at edge of wet dambo. Dambo above falls. 58 0 Zambia 1330A2 C 1490

106235 Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii 9 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3585 B Bytebier K
Grassy, drier part of dambo. Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu 58 0 Zambia 0929D1 N 1460

106246 Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3599 B Bytebier K
Dry, sandy part of dambo. Start of the wetlands along the D235 road 58 0 Zambia 1229A2 N 1171

116647 Disperis reichenbachiana 24 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson BB3686 N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Escarpment miombo woodland Kapishya Hot Springs Lodge, Shiwa N'gandu Distr., Muchinga Province 118 0 Zambia 1131B1 N 1432

Growing in leaf litter over granite boulders

119251 Eucomis autumnalis 10 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier NCW876i KB Vollesen NDO
Dambo grasslands Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1453

Growing in shade of a small copse of trees within the dambo

-12.398509 31.296541 6
106214 Eulophia angolensis 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3565 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 58 0 Zambia 1030B1 N 1233

100589 Eulophia hians var. nutans 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
B Bytebier Moist to wet dambo in black muck soil Kundalila Falls, Serenje Distr., Central Province 121 0 Zambia 1330B1 C 1501

106182 Eulophia hians var. nutans 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3538 B Bytebier K
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. Dambo above falls. 58 0 Zambia 1330A2 C 1490

118690 Eulophia norlindhii 21 Nov 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3771 N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Escarpment miombo woodland Chakwenga Headwaters, Rufunsa Distr., Lusaka Province, Zambia 2 Zambia 1529A2 C 1101

Cultivated at Dabuyu Farms in Lilayi to flower for identification

118691 Eulophia streptopetala 12 Nov 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3744 B Bytebier NDO
Miombo woodland Mkushi Farming Block, Mkushi Distr., Central Province, Zambia 0 Zambia 1329D1 C 1417

106220 Eulophia tanganyikensis 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3571 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 58 0 Zambia 1030B1 N 1233

118693 Gerbera viridifolia subsp. viridifolia 13 Nov 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
C Conradie
N Wightman Miombo woodland Mutiwila Farm, Kabwe Distr., Central Province, Zambia 0 Zambia 1428C2 C 1157

-14.671433 28.448333 6
100599 Glossostelma spathulatum 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
DJ Goyder Undisturbed miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Mpike Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1470

-12.430117 31.271990 6
106189 Glossostelma spathulatum 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3544 B Bytebier K
Miombo woodland. Along the road towards the camp. 58 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1470

-12.268080 31.172150 6
106180 Gnidia chrysantha 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3536 B Bytebier NU
In full sun at edge of wet dambo. Dambo above falls. 58 0 Zambia 1330A2 C 1490

-13.091240 30.421930 6
101709 Habenaria calvilabris No date N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
B Bytebier Wet dambo slope in black muck soil Koshima dambo, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province 0 Zambia 0929D4 N 0

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting.

106232 Habenaria calvilabris 9 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3582 B Bytebier K
In grassland above dambo. Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu 58 0 Zambia 0929D1 N 1446

94060 Habenaria cornuta 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena Wet dambos and grasslands Roadside dambo along M3 (Kasama District). 0 Zambia 1030B2 N 1232

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations may be threatened by overharvesting.

94061 Habenaria cornuta 10 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena Wet dambos and grasslands Roadside dambo along D94 (Mansa District) 0 Zambia 1129A3 N 1215

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations may be threatened by overharvesting.

106217 Habenaria cornuta 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3568 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 58 0 Zambia 1030B1 N 1233

106219 Habenaria cornuta 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3570 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 58 0 Zambia 1030B1 N 1233

106241 Habenaria cornuta 10 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3592 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. D94 road between Mansa and Samfya. 58 0 Zambia 1129A1 N 1229

106192 Habenaria disparilis 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3546 B Bytebier K
At edge of fairly dry dambo and miombo woodland. Kabasamo dambo. 58 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1470

106242 Habenaria filicornis 10 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3593 B Bytebier K
Wet dambo. D94 road between Mansa and Samfya. 58 0 Zambia 1129A1 N 1229

106215 Habenaria holubii 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3566 B Bytebier K
Moist dambo Roadside dambo on M3 between Kasama and Luwingu. 58 0 Zambia 1030B1 N 1233

101710 Habenaria humilior 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
B Bytebier Moist to wet dambo slope in black muck soil Kundalila Falls, Serenje Distr., Central Province 121 0 Zambia 1330B1 C 1502

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting.

106181 Habenaria humilior 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3537 B Bytebier K
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. Dambo above falls. 58 0 Zambia 1330A2 C 1490

106248 Habenaria humilior 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3601 B Bytebier K
Dry, sandy part of dambo. Start of the wetlands along the D235 road 58 0 Zambia 1229A2 N 1178

119253 Habenaria lindblomii 8 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3778 B Bytebier NDO
Wooded dambo margins Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1452

101737 Habenaria papyracea 12 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
B Bytebier Undisturbed miombo woodland Moffat Farm, Mkushi Distr., Central Province 0 Zambia 1329D1 C 1477

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations threatened by overharvesting.

106254 Habenaria papyracea 12 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3608 B Bytebier K
Open miombo woodland. Moffat Farm, Mkushi Farm Block 58 0 Zambia 1329A4 C 1462

106250 Habenaria pilosa 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3603 B Bytebier NU
Rocky ridge in miombo woodland. D235 road between Samfya and Serenje; at "80 km from Serenje milestone" between Oka Kamwendo and Namutoya. 58 0 Zambia 1230A3 C 1327

117952 Habenaria pilosa 4 Dec 2019 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena NCW55a N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Escarpment miombo woodland Namutoya area, Chitambo Distr. Central Province 2 Zambia 1230C2 C 1349

Cultivated at Dabuyu Farms from material collected at Namutoya

106186 Habenaria retinervis 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3541 P Goldblatt K
Miombo woodland. Along the road towards the camp. 58 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1470

106190 Habenaria retinervis 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3541 P Goldblatt K
Miombo woodland. Along the road towards the camp. 58 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1470

106255 Habenaria uhehensis 12 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3607 B Bytebier K
Open miombo woodland. Moffat Farm, Mkushi Farm Block 58 0 Zambia 1329A4 C 1462

116652 Habenaria uhehensis 21 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson BB3659 N Wightman NU
Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Mpika Distr. Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1487

116852 Heteromorpha involucrata 27 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman Lightly wooded seepage dambo grassland Saise Valley, Kalambo Farm, Mbala Distr., Northern Province. 0 Zambia 0931A2 N 1591

-9.068687 31.480686 6
116853 Hypericum peplidifolium 22 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Mpika Distr. Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1495

-12.421995 31.277565 6
116854 Kosteletzkya buettneri 27 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman Riverside dambo grassland Saise Valley, Kalambo Farm, Mbala Distr., Northern Province 0 Zambia 0931B1 N 1553

Growing in submerged sections of riverside dambo

-9.086286 31.500877 6
116855 Landolphia kirkii 28 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 112 0 Zambia 1129B3 N 1176

Growing on various reaches of sand dunes with signs of regularly being burnt back

-11.348647 29.560157 6
119282 Lantana ukambensis 11 Feb 2023 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman Miombo woodland Road to Mutinondo Wilderness, Lavushi Manda Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zimbabwe 1231A3 N 1508

-12.414868 31.196317 6
116885 Lapeirousia caudata 3 Jan 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754b N Wightman UZL
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 112 0 Zambia 1129B3 N 1185

Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Trachyandra arvensis

106183 Liparis nervosa 4 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3539 P Goldblatt K
At edge of dambo in full sunlight. Dambo above falls. 58 0 Zambia 1330A2 C 1490

106196 Liparis nervosa 6 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3550 B Bytebier K
Dambo Luchindasi dambo; chieftainess Mukukamfumu. 58 0 Zambia 1031A2 N 1228

116953 Macrotyloma densiflorum var. densiflorum 23 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman Miombo woodland Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge, Mpika Distr. Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A4 N 1495

-12.421995 31.277565 6
106244 Moraea carsonii 10 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3596 B Bytebier K
In grass in the garden, not cultivated. Grassy area beside paved pathway to Lodge rooms . 58 0 Zambia 1129A2 N 0

106249 Nervilia adolphi var. adolphi 11 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3602 B Bytebier K
Rocky ridge in miombo woodland. D235 road between Samfya and Serenje; at "80 km from Serenje milestone" between Oka Kamwendo and Namutoya. 58 0 Zambia 1230A3 C 1327

118699 Nervilia crociformis 12 Nov 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3742 N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Miombo woodland Mkushi Farming Block, Mkushi Distr., Central Province, Zambia 0 Zambia 1329D1 C 1425

106231 Nervilia shirensis 9 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3581 B Bytebier K
On the side of an anthill in miombo woodland. Samda Farm c. 10 km N of Luwingu 58 0 Zambia 1029B1 N 1405

116985 Pachycarpus bisacculatus 27 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson BB3709 N Wightman NU
Lightly wooded seepage dambo grassland Saise Valley, Kalambo Farm, Mbala Distr., Northern Province 0 Zambia 0931A2 N 1591

-9.068650 31.480712 6
106207 Platycoryne buchananiana 7 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3558 B Bytebier K
Very wet grassland in between Uapaca woodland. Love N Light Lukupa 58 0 Zambia 1031A1 N 1296

106184 Platycoryne mediocris 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3540 B Bytebier K
On bare rock in seepage area. Dambo above falls.On rockslab between reception and chalet. 58 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1450

112971 Platycoryne mediocris 5 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
N Wightman B Bytebier BB3540 B Bytebier K
Seepage slope on large inselberg Mutinonodo Wilderness Lodge, Mpika Distr., Muchinga Province 116 0 Zambia 1231A3 N 1450

On rockslab of inselberg between Lodge reception and chalet

94064 Radinosiphon leptostachya 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena High rainfall Miombo woodland Rocky seepage woodland area near to Kalungwishi headwaters 0 Zambia 0930C4 N 1640

Tubers of this species are possibly used in the preparation of a local Zambian dish called Chikanda with wild populations may be threatened by overharvesting.

106239 Radinosiphon leptostachya 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3590 B Bytebier K
On rocks in rocky miombo woodland. Roadside seepage dambo on D39 near Kalungwishi headwaters 58 0 Zambia 0930C1 N 1636

106225 Rangaeris muscicola 8 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3576 B Bytebier K
Rocky miombo woodland with lots of Xerophyta Roadside seepage dambo on D39 near Kalungwishi headwaters 58 0 Zambia 0930C1 N 1636

106233 Sebaea grandis 9 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
F Chipalo
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena F Chipalo BB3583 B Bytebier K
Dambo Koshima dambo c. 30 km N of Luwingu 58 0 Zambia 0929D1 N 1446

-9.582910 29.538140 6
106240 Sebaea grandis 10 Feb 2018 N Wightman
B Bytebier
F Llarena
N Wightman B Bytebier F Llarena BB3591 B Bytebier K
Edge of wet dambo. M13 between Kawambwa and Mansa. 58 0 Zambia 1029A3 N 1263

-10.373660 29.079710 6
117004 Trachyandra arvensis 28 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman B Bytebier SD Johnson NCW754a N Wightman UZL
Sand dune Lake Bangweulu, Samfya Distr., Luapula Province 112 0 Zambia 1129B3 N 1185

Growing on upper reached of sand dune among Crinum papilllosum and Lapeirousia caudata

-11.348112 29.559072 6
117005 Vernonia rosenii 27 Feb 2022 N Wightman
B Bytebier
SD Johnson
N Wightman Lightly wooded seepage dambo grassland Saise Valley, Kalambo Farm, Mbala Distr., Northern Province 0 Zambia 0931A2 N 1591

-9.068662 31.480667 6

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records made by Benny Bytebier., retrieved 27 July 2024

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