Records determined by Clare Archer

Determinations: 110

The following is a list of the records determined by Clare Archer in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
84404Ascolepis lineariglumis var. lineariglumis10 Mar 1962WL Astle
WL Astle 1479 C Archer MRSC

80240Bulbostylis abortiva27 Mar 1961A Angus
A Angus 2521 C Archer FHO
Wet place on drainage line between large rocks on lower slopes of Katanga sandstone hillNear Mkushi0ZambiaC0

Bulbostylis sp. indet., nr. B.abortiva but with rugose fruits.

81211Bulbostylis abortiva1 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba 702 C Archer MO
Kaoma District; 3 km NW along Kaoma-Lukulu Road from junction of Kaoma-Mongu Road. 0ZambiaB1050

Sedge in opening in the forest; on Kalahari sands to 0.2 m; fruits brown.

79584Bulbostylis buchananii17 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika Luwiika et al. 39 C Archer MRSC
Solwezi District, Jirundu 0ZambiaW0

81213Bulbostylis buchananii28 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2424 C Archer PRE
In sandy soils along beaches and shorelines. Sinazongwe District; Chete Island Game Park, on eastern edge of Lake Kariba. In much disturbed Combretum woodland, heavily grazed by elephants and game. 1990ZambiaS550

Herb; 20 cm, erect. Infructescence golden-brown. In sandy open areas.

84826Bulbostylis buchananii14 Apr 1956EA Robinson
EA Robinson 1481 C Archer K
Kafue Gorge0ZambiaS0

MRSC, det K as B.barbata; det C.Archer

84828Bulbostylis buchananii27 Mar 1961A Angus
A Angus 2514 C Archer MRSC
Rocky hillNear Mkushi0ZambiaC0

63762Bulbostylis contexta7 Jan 1964EA Robinson
EA Robinson R 6149 C Archer SRGH
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2C1075

MRSC, det C.Archer; SRGH, det as B.collina
From E.A.Robinson's collection written by Bob Drummond.

79585Bulbostylis contexta6 Nov 1963EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR_5817 C Archer MRSC
Peat bogChakwenga Headwaters area1710Zambia1529A2C1075

79586Bulbostylis contexta18 Dec 1956EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR_1798 C Archer MRSC
Acid sandveldtChoma E 10 km0ZambiaS0

84837Bulbostylis contexta18 Dec 1956EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR_1986 C Archer K
DamboChoma E 10 km0ZambiaS0

84842Bulbostylis contexta13 Feb 1955EA Robinson
EA Robinson 1110 C Archer MRSC
DamboNamwala District, Kabulamwanda0ZambiaS0

MRSC, F.sp. nr. F.subaphylla; det C.Archer

81214Bulbostylis hispidula20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3871 C Archer PRE
Degraded Baikiaea forest.Livingstone District; ca. 26.9 km W of intersection of Lusaka Road and Livingstone-Sesheke Road in Livingstone, in Katombora L.F. #30, degraded Baikiaea forest. Collections ca. 2 km. from roadside on south side of road. 0Zambia1725D3S840

Occasional, from sandy wash, bracts reddish-brown.

81215Bulbostylis hispidula20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3892 C Archer PRE
In degraded woodland on pure sand, with bordering small damboLivingstone District; ca. 34.8 km W of intersection of Lusaka Road and Livingstone-Sesheke Roads, then 5.4 km S on road to Mandia School, ca. 0.5 km from Mandia School. 0Zambia1725D3S840

Annual; in sand, base of plant pale pink; bracts dark brown.

81216Bulbostylis hispidula16 Mar 1996B Luwiika
B Luwiika 292 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Mongu District; Miulwe Plain, approx. 44.5 km E on Mongu-Lusaka Road. Plain on S side of road. 0Zambia1523B1B1110

Collected among rocks; approx. 10 cm tall; stems light green; leaves light green; inflorescence golden brown.

81217Bulbostylis hispidula26 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 500 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Sinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. 0Zambia1727A2S640

Erect, 15 cm. Stems dark green; leaves dark green; inflorescence yellowish-brown.

81218Bulbostylis hispidula3 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 556 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Along the Maamba/Sinazongwe RoadChoma District; Collecting along the Maamba/Sinazongwe Road, 11.4 km from the Choma-Lusaka Road. 0Zambia1627C4S1200

Common in marshy areas. Stems dark green to light green; inflorescence golden-brown.

81219Bulbostylis hispidula19 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 921 C Archer PRE
Brown Kalahari sands soilsLivingstone District; Chief Mukuni Area; 2.1 km along road to Chief Mukuni Palace from junction with Victoria Falls Road in Baikiae forest.0Zambia1725D4S960

Common in the forest understory amongst grasses. Inflorescence brown.

85040Bulbostylis hispidula Jan 1967J Anton-Smith
J Anton-Smith 206 C Archer MRSC
Coarse granite sand. Chadiza Experimental Area0ZambiaE0

85042Bulbostylis hispidula1 Apr 1956A Angus
A Angus 1193 C Archer MRSC
Mt Makulu0ZambiaC0

85063Bulbostylis pilosa21 Dec 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 9885 C Archer PRE
Kalahari woodland. Mongu District, Looma, Nanganda. 0Zambia1523B1B1060

85068Bulbostylis pilosa15 Feb 1961WL Astle
WL Astle 428 C Archer MRSC
Luwingu District, Chishinga Ranch0ZambiaN0

85069Bulbostylis pilosaNo dateHM Richards
HM Richards 19591 EA Robinson C Archer MRSC
Luwingu District, Chishinga Ranch0ZambiaN0

MRSC, det EAR as B.aphyllanthoides; det C.Archer

81242Carex macrophyllidion28 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 111 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Miombo woodlandMwinilunga District; Ikelenge; Kavunga Protected Forest Area; adjacent to Hillwood Farms' Nchila Wildlife Reserve at Hillwood Farms; ca. 3.5 km E of Ikelenge. 1520Zambia1124A4W1350

Sedge light green; ca. 20 cm tall; stems green; yellow at base, leaf sheaths dark brown; fruits small, dark green with a purple-black tint.

81428Coleochloa setifera25 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2132 C Archer PRE
On rocks and in surrounding miombo woodland; rocky soils, Uapaca woodland.Chinsali District; Shiwa Ng'andu, Mansha River. Collections at Chusa Falls. 1170Zambia1131B1N1470

Frequent among rocks; bracts brown; anthers yellow.

118449Cyanotis speciosa subsp. speciosa28 Nov 2022 imaggini
C Archer Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1508

48477Cyperus amabilis12 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde 12.103.02 C Archer PRE
In sandy river bedTissadze River, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS70


59086Cyperus amabilis12 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde 12.103.02 C Archer PRE
In sandy river bedTissadze River, Catapú82170Mozambique1835A1MS70


81749Cyperus amabilis20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3869 C Archer PRE
Degraded Baikiaea forest.Livingstone District; ca. 26.9 km W of intersection of Lusaka Road and Livingstone-Sesheke Road in Livingstone, in Katombora L.F. #30, degraded Baikiaea forest. Collections ca. 2 km. from roadside on south side of road. 0Zambia1725D3S840

Occasional, in sandy wash, with grasses, base of stems reddish; bracts golden to brown.

81750Cyperus amabilis20 Mar 1996B Luwiika
B Luwiika 371 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Kalabo District; In the Lukona local forest; 3.3 km W from Lukona Basic School. 0Zambia1522B4B1140

Approx. 15 cm tall; stems dark green; leaves smooth, dark green; inflorescence golden yellow.

81751Cyperus amabilis28 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2429 C Archer PRE
In sandy soils along beaches and shorelines. Sinazongwe District; Chete Island Game Park, on eastern edge of Lake Kariba. In much disturbed Combretum woodland, heavily grazed by elephants and game. 1990ZambiaS550

Herb; 25 cm, erect. Infructescence shiny, red-brown to golden-tan. In open, sandy depressions.

81752Cyperus amabilis19 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 916 C Archer PRE
Brown Kalahari sands soilsLivingstone District; Chief Mukuni Area; 2.1 km along road to Chief Mukuni Palace from junction with Victoria Falls Road in Baikiae forest.0Zambia1725D4S960

Common in forest understory growing amongst grasses. Roots with characteristic Vicks smell. (mentholated) Inflorescence yellowish brown.

88220Cyperus amabilis9 Mar 1995MM Nawa
MM Nawa 211 C Archer Kabompo District0ZambiaW0

88225Cyperus amabilis26 Mar 1955FM Benson
FM Benson NR336 C Archer MRSC
Choma E 5miles0ZambiaS0

76638Cyperus angolensis8 Jan 1958EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR-2726 C Archer MRSC
Sandy Brachystegia bush Mkushi District, Fiwila 0ZambiaC0

81755Cyperus angolensis23 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2118 C Archer PRE
Collections around Kundalila Falls; below falls, in rocky soils and quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Common in woodland, forms small sod-like patches; "heads" white.

81756Cyperus angolensis3 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 550 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Along the Maamba/Sinazongwe RoadChoma District; Collecting along the Maamba/Sinazongwe Road, 11.4 km from the Choma-Lusaka Road. 0Zambia1627C4S1200

Common, 1.2 m. Stems dark green, hard; leaves light green; flowers golden brown; roots hard, dark brown, rising from hard corm.

81758Cyperus articulatus5 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2210 C Archer PRE
In small patch of thick forest on north side of falls and up slope towards Nsamba Lodge. Kaputa District; Nsumbu National Park, along Lufubu River at Mwepwe Falls (Kafuna Falls).1080Zambia0830D1N900

Frequent herb from rhizome in low lying areas and wet places along river.

81759Cyperus clavinux20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3887 C Archer PRE
In degraded woodland on pure sand, with bordering small damboLivingstone District; ca. 34.8 km W of intersection of Lusaka Road and Livingstone-Sesheke Roads, then 5.4 km S on road to Mandia School, ca. 0.5 km from Mandia School. 0Zambia1725D3S840

Occasional, restricted to sand; bracts light green to light brown.

81760Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus6 May 1994HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 1318 C Archer PRE
At Kakulwe stream, seasonally innundated grasslands (dambo). Fine, red, sandy, granitic soils. Serenje District; 7.0 km E-SE of the junction with Serenje-Mpika road, on road to Chisomo. 0Zambia1330A4C1350

Herb; 75 cm, erect. Stems pale brown at base. Inflorescence yellowish-tan. Common.

88240Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus13 Jul 1930EWB Milne-Redhead
EWB Milne-Redhead 699 C Archer MRSC
Solwezi District, Mbulungu Stream0ZambiaW0

88248Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus14 Jun 1954EA Robinson
EA Robinson 863 C Archer MRSC
Katete, Gold-stream (sic)0ZambiaE0

88249Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus1 Oct 1964HJ van Rensburg
HJ van Rensburg 2977 C Archer MRSC
At edge of swamp, with Panicum repens, Leersia hexandra & Loudetia simplexKabwe District, Lukanga, Mukunkwa0ZambiaC0

88253Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus16 Oct 1963HJ van Rensburg
HJ van Rensburg 2542 C Archer MRSC
Black clay soilNanshila floodplain0ZambiaS0

locally abundant on black clay soil

88255Cyperus denudatus var. denudatus6 Jan 1966EA Robinson
EA Robinson 1073 C Archer MRSC
Banks of the Zambezi, damp grasslandLivingstone District, Victoria Falls0ZambiaS0

81762Cyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus8 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello 988 C Archer PRE
Dried dambo and grasslands around Lake Mweru Wantipa. Kaputa District; Mweru Wantipa National Park, along main road through park (D-37) 18.6 km south of northern park gate. 940Zambia0829D1N1000

Clumping sedge of sandy lake shore to 1 m tall; spikes light golden-yellow; leaves with white undersides.

90727Cyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus4 Jan 1963WL Astle
WL Astle 1881 C Archer MRSC
Floodplain, deep waterKasama District, Chambeshi, Kalunga R. floodplain0ZambiaN0

MRSC: "=Astle 1298, not C.digitatus", det CA as C.d.auricomus, Feb00);

81764Cyperus dubius21 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 472 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4S860

Soft, herbaceous, ca. 25 cm. Stems dark green; leaves dark green to light green towards base; inflorescence yellowish-green.

90738Cyperus dubius5 Jan 1955EA Robinson
EA Robinson 1070 C Archer MRSC
Dry, open grasslandVictoria Falls1200ZambiaS0

90739Cyperus dubius5 Jan 1957EA Robinson
EA Robinson 2013 C Archer MRSC
Dry ground at edge of damboChoma N 45 Km.0ZambiaS0

90740Cyperus dubius5 Feb 1955EA Robinson
EA Robinson 1086 C Archer MRSC
Dry grasslandMapanza Mission0ZambiaS0

120456Cyperus imbricatus23 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Archer In sandy soil among basalt rocks in river bed.Kandahar Fishing site 7, Zambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D4W898

iNaturalist record

112291Cyperus iria14 Dec 2019T Benn
C Archer damp area after heavy rainsExtension 23, Gaborone0Botswana2425D2SE1030

iNaturalist record

81768Cyperus margaritaceus31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2541 C Archer PRE
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Occasional in sand at edge of dry dambo; inflorescence bracts light yellow-green.

81769Cyperus margaritaceus15 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2703 C Archer PRE
In Marquesia woodland/Hymenocardia chipya on shallow soils with abundant mica. All vegetation pale green to yellow. Solwezi District; Acres National Forest/Jirundu Botanical Reserve; ca. 12.1 km NW of Solwezi-Mwinilunga Road; (78 km W of Solwezi) 6.6 km NW of bridge over West River. 0Zambia1225B2W1440

Occasional; among rocks; bracts light yellow at base to brown on tips.

81770Cyperus margaritaceus20 Mar 1996B Luwiika
B Luwiika 373 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Kalabo District; In the Lukona local forest; 3.3 km W from Lukona Basic School. 0Zambia1522B4B1140

Approx. 20 cm tall; stems dark green; leaves dark green; inflorescence light grey with a brown tint.

81771Cyperus margaritaceus22 Feb 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 634 C Archer PRE
In rocky habitatMwinilunga District; Ikelenge; Milomba Hill, 12 km from turnoff of the Kalene Hill Road located 12.6 km from Ikelenge. 0Zambia1124A1W1440

bases of the stems brown; inflorescence light brown with green.

81772Cyperus margaritaceus19 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 926 C Archer PRE
Brown Kalahari sands soilsLivingstone District; Chief Mukuni Area; 2.1 km along road to Chief Mukuni Palace from junction with Victoria Falls Road in Baikiae forest.0Zambia1725D4S960

Occasional on open sandy patches in forest understory. Roots with sweet aroma. Inflorescence cream to grey appearing yellow around the bases.

81773Cyperus nduru19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1986 C Archer PRE
In miombo vegetation on sandKasanka National Park; ca. 11 km E of Musande Tent Camp and 4 km W of pontoon over Kasanka River. 990Zambia1230C2C1170

Infrequent herb; bracts white; anthers yellow.

81774Cyperus nduru19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1987 C Archer PRE
In miombo vegetation on sandKasanka National Park; ca. 11 km E of Musande Tent Camp and 4 km W of pontoon over Kasanka River. 990Zambia1230C2C1170

Infrequent herb; base of stalk and bracts of inflorescence yellow.

81775Cyperus nduru3 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 549 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Along the Maamba/Sinazongwe RoadChoma District; Collecting along the Maamba/Sinazongwe Road, 11.4 km from the Choma-Lusaka Road. 0Zambia1627C4S1200

Common, dark green with golden brown inflorescence; ca. 1 m; lateral shoots/corms light yellow.

81777Cyperus pectinatus23 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 98 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collections along roadside and in woodland. Mwinilunga District; on Mwinilunga-Lwawu Road; ca. 19.3 km W of Mwinilunga-Lwawu junction (jct. of T5 and RD287). 0Zambia1124C2W1140

Sedge; light green; ca. 25 cm tall; common; with triangular stem; inflorescence light green with a brown tint.

81778Cyperus pubens9 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3989 C Archer PRE
Collections on rocky hills of broken quartz in disturbed miombo. Choma District; 45 km N along Namwala-Choma Roads from intersection of Choma-Namwala and Choma-Lusaka Roads, then W (ca. 1.2 km N of Ngonga stream) 2.4 km on road to Macha Mission (Sikweshina) in Mulundeka Hills. 0Zambia1626B4S1230

Occasional; among grasses; forms rhizomes; bracts brown.

81779Cyperus pubens1 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba 711 C Archer PRE
Kaoma District; 3 km NW along Kaoma-Lukulu Road from junction of Kaoma-Mongu Road. 0ZambiaB1050

Sedge; to 0.5 m; in woodland of Kalahari sands; stem green with hairy, dull green sheaths; fruits brown with greenish tints.

81781Cyperus tenax15 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2694 C Archer PRE
In Marquesia woodland/Hymenocardia chipya on shallow soils with abundant mica. All vegetation pale green to yellow. Solwezi District; Acres National Forest/Jirundu Botanical Reserve; ca. 12.1 km NW of Solwezi-Mwinilunga Road; (78 km W of Solwezi) 6.6 km NW of bridge over West River. 0Zambia1225B2W1440

Occasional; among roots; bracts brown-black.

81782Cyperus tenax17 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba 783 C Archer PRE
Soil: Kalahari sands.Mongu District; 17 km South-east of Mongu Town, 6 km off the Mongo-Kaoma Road, along old Lusaka Road. 0Zambia B1110

Common; on open sands; blades and internodes pink around the bases, becoming light green towards the apex; fruits brown.

79566Eleocharis dulcis20 Sep 1993MG Bingham
CN Nkhoma
MG Bingham CN Nkhoma 9711 C Archer K
Dambo Mkushi District, David Moffat's farm, Munchiwemba dambo. 0Zambia1329D3C1400

109511Eleocharis dulcis18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1386 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common in shallow (ca. 50 cm) standing water of permanent zone of a lake in the floodplain of the Govuru River.

109512Eleocharis variegata5 Mar 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Common to dominant species in marsh vegetation of peatland (mire) of a coastal stream.

82327Fimbristylis dichotoma25 May 1994CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 321 C Archer PRE
Stream and riverine forest dominated by bamboo, surrounded by hilly miombo woodland. Isoka District; 86.5 km from the Isoka-Nakonde Road turnoff to Muyombe. 0Zambia1033A3N1020

Very common sedge among rocks, along the stream. Inflorescence reddish-brown.

82352Fuirena umbellata10 Mar 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2882 C Archer PRE
Collections from Kamweji marsh, Juncus/grasses. Kabompo District; Trust Land #1, near Chizela Game Management Area #3 along Old Kabompo-Solwezi Hwy.; ca. 37.0 km E-NE of Chipoya Bridge at Samsole village. 0Zambia1324D1B1030

Frequent herb; in marsh; to 1.5 m tall; lower leaf sheaths black; bracts light green; floral parts green except stigma white, turning brown.

109515Fuirena umbellata18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1387 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

Common in 50 cm deep water on the margins of the permanently inundated zone of a lake on the Govuru River floodplain.

94521Jodrellia fistulosa10 Dec 1991RH Archer
N Hahn
S Venter
S Venter 128 C Archer WIND
Growing in evergreen woodland in a shona on well-drained sandy loam soil under full exposure. In undisturbed area. At a level slope. Rare.Caprivi: 29 km south-east of Katima Mulilo on Ngoma road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D10

Succulent geophyte, up to 0.2 m. Flowers pale white. Fruit yellow.

82716Kyllinga alba19 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 910 C Archer PRE
Mopane woodlandChief Mukuni, Songwe Gorge, in mopane woodland, 2.3 km east of ZESCO generation and transmission sub-station. 0Zambia1725D4S960

Common in mopane woodland. Stem light green. Blades green; inflorescence white.

119357Kyllinga alba19 Dec 2003BT Wursten
C Archer Moist grassland. Ndundu Lodge, Vumba10,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1670

82717Kyllinga platyphylla27 Nov 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 23 C Archer PRE
Chishimba Falls picnic and camping areaChishimba Falls. Ca 32 km northwest of Kasama at Chishimba Falls picnic and camping area. 13 km from intersection of roads M3 and D20 on road D20 and 2 km south/southwest on access road to power station. 2010Zambia1030B2N1380

White inflorescence with yellow anthers.

82718Kyllinga pumila8 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 1040 C Archer PRE
Undifferentiated Miombo-Combretum woodland. Brown Kalahari sands. Choma District; 40.9 km from Choma along Choma-Namwala Road. 0Zambia1626B4S1120

Common on water-logged sites on margins of woodland. Stems and blades shiny green. Inflorescence pale green.

82795Lipocarpha chinensis23 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 98 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collections along roadside and in woodland. Mwinilunga District; on Mwinilunga-Lwawu Road; ca. 19.3 km W of Mwinilunga-Lwawu junction (jct. of T5 and RD287). 0Zambia1124C2W1140

Sedge; light green; ca. 25 cm tall; common, with triangular stem; inflorescence light green with a brown tint.

82799Lipocarpha hemisphaerica23 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 40 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collections along roadside and in woodland. Mwinilunga District; on Mwinilunga-Lwawu Road; ca. 19.3 km W of Mwinilunga-Lwawu junction (jct. of T5 and RD287). 0Zambia1124C2W1140

Stems light green, clustered; roots short and fibrous; flower buds small, hard and brown tinged; flowers with light green spines; common; in swampy area.

82805Lipocarpha nana17 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 40 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collecting from rock outcrop in Jirundu plains/swampSolwezi District; Jirundu National Forestry Reserve (Botanical Reserve). 95 km E of Solwezi/Mwinilunga Road, near the Kambizhi Primary School.0Zambia1125C4W1470

Stems light green, clustered; roots short and fibrous; flower buds small, hard and brown tinged; flowers with light green spines; common; in swampy area.

110669Microcoelia exilis12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11163 C Archer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2 MS224

Epiphyte 0.08 m tall with white flowers growing on the bark of various trees including Teclea sp., Androstachys johnsonii and Euphorbia sp. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a limestone plateau, in light shade. No biotic effect seen.

113344Myrothamnus flabellifolius12 Oct 2020M Tladi
C Archer BT Wursten In rocky dry woodland.The Botswana International University of Science & Technology (BIUST), Palapye0Botswana2227C1SE1005

iNaturalist record

54807Ornithogalum flexuosum25 Jan 2014MA Hyde
DB Hartung
C Archer In standing water in grassy vleiMonavale Vlei, Harare1,770Zimbabwe1731C3C1460

Flowers white with green mid-vein.

83414Pycreus chrysanthus24 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3909 C Archer PRE
Collections at falls on sites inundated with falling water and upstreamLivingstone District; Mosi-Oa-Tunia National Park, World Heritage Site. 1060Zambia1725D4S810

Occasional; in mist from falls; to 1.5 m tall, base of leaves red-brown; base of peduncles red-brown, bracts light brown.

83415Pycreus lanceolatus23 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 98 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collections along roadside and in woodland. Mwinilunga District; on Mwinilunga-Lwawu Road; ca. 19.3 km W of Mwinilunga-Lwawu junction (jct. of T5 and RD287). 0Zambia1124C2W1140

Sedge; light green; ca. 25 cm tall; common; with triangular stem; inflorescence light green with a brown tint.

84382Pycreus lanceolatus10 Jun 1956EA Robinson
EA Robinson EAR 1632 C Archer K
DamboShiwa Ngandu1170ZambiaN0

83416Pycreus macrostachyos5 Mar 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 678 C Archer PRE
Dambo margin.Kasempa District; 13.2 km W of Kalombe Primary School in Chief Kasempa's Area; 35 km from Kasempa along the road to Ndenda National Forest. 0Zambia1325B3W1230

Sedge; rocky outcrop at dambo margin; stem green, smooth; inflorescence brown-yellow; peduncle green, appearing black around the bases; fruits black; plant senescent.

109517Pycreus nitidus5 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Common in marsh vegetation of peatland (mire) in coastal stream.

83420Pycreus pelophilus10 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 595 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collecting along the Sinazongwe/Choma RoadChoma District; Collecting along the Sinazongwe/Choma Road, 11.6 km from the junction. 0Zambia1627C4S1200

Ca. 30 cm, in marsh areas. Stems light green; leaves light green; inflorescences golden-brown to yellow.

83421Pycreus pelophilus1 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 985 C Archer PRE
Combretum bushy groups. Karoo sandy soils. Sinazongwe District; Chete Island National Park. 1990Zambia1727B3S600

Locally common along shore margins. Stems light green and smooth. Inflorescence greenish yellow. Pedicels brown around the bases.

83460Rhynchospora candida21 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2767 C Archer PRE
Collection from plain - muck soil, very soggy with grey termite mounds with suffretescent Syzygium and Protea. Mwinilunga District; ca. 18.9 km N/NE of Luawu Mission on Luwawu Mission-Ikelenge Road at Luaw Chana (plain), source of Luaw River. 0Zambia1124A3W1560

Widespread from thickened root; stems yellow-orange at base; inflorescence bracts white.

109519Rhynchospora holoschoenoides19 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1390 C Archer LMA
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI0

In marsh vegetation, seasonally saturated sands of a seasonal drainage line which forms part of the Govuru River catchment.

109520Rhynchospora rubra subsp. africana11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1366 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

Sub-dominant in seasonally saturated sands of coastal channelled valley-bottom wetland. Also occurs on patches of peat substrates in wetland.

109521Rhynchospora rubra subsp. africana22 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1389 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C2GI9

Sub-dominant on permanently saturated peat substrates, dominated by Trichopteryx dregeana in a coastal perennial channelled valley-bottom wetland.

109518Rhynchospora rugosa subsp. brownii11 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1367 C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI25

Seasonally saturated white sands with thin organic horizon, on margins of coastal channelled valley-bottom wetland.

108193Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus23 Oct 2012L den Boogert
C Archer Matutuíne District0Mozambique2632B4 M17

iNaturalist record

48101Schoenoplectiella articulata6 Jul 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin 2769 C Archer BNRH
Catapú Concession, in pond, 2 km NE of M'Phingwe820Mozambique1835A1MS0

109522Schoenoplectiella articulata6 Jul 2010M Coates Palgrave
JA White
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
G Groenenwald
OG Maurin OM2769 C Archer BNRH
Catapu Concession, in pond, 2 km NE of M'Phingwe.0Mozambique1835A1MS0

UJ DNA No. UJ05318

54070Schoenoplectiella erecta Aug 2006M Coates Palgrave
MJ Inacio
J Maneka
M Coates Palgrave MJ Inacio J Maneka 455 C Archer TCT-Catapú
PanCatapu, in Zalula Pan 820Mozambique1835A1MS70


83574Schoenoplectus mucronatus23 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 95 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collections along roadside and in woodland. Mwinilunga District; on Mwinilunga-Lwawu Road; ca. 19.3 km W of Mwinilunga-Lwawu junction (jct. of T5 and RD287). 0Zambia1124C2W1140

Sedge; in water; ca. 50 cm tall; stem triangular, dark green; inflorescence and bracts light brown; common; along the river.

114431Schoenoplectus muricinux31 Mar 2021T Benn
C Archer Edge of water filled panLedumadumane Gaborone0Botswana2425D2SE1024

iNaturalist record

109524Schoenus nigricans18 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1388 C Archer PRE
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI17

In seasonally saturated and periodically inundated soils on the margins of the Govuru floodplain.

83600Scleria bulbifera4 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2553 C Archer PRE
Collections in bird sanctuary near dam and sink hole; in degraded but now recovering woodland, on quartz and mica soils. Lusaka District; Jellis Farm ca. 15 km W of Lusaka off Leopard's Hill Rd.1450Zambia1528A4C1230

Frequent on rocky hillside and elsewhere, from tan bulb; outer inflorescence bracts light brown.

83601Scleria bulbifera29 Feb 1996B Luwiika
B Luwiika 202 C Archer B Luwiika PRE
Collecting in the Mavunda thicketsKaoma District; 33.1 km from Kaoma town on the Kasempa/Kaoma road. 0Zambia1424C2B1290

Approx. 20 cm tall; leaves and stems dark green; inflorescence brown.

109525Scleria catophylla4 May 2014A De Castro
A De Castro s.n. C Archer BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI13

Common on white, hydromorphic sands that are organically enriched, on the margins of a mire (peatland) which forms the source of a coastal stream.

83627Scleria racemosa30 Apr 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3005 C Archer PRE
Collections from within primary mushitu. Ndola Rural District; Lukoshi at intersection of roads to St. Anthony's Mission and Mukumpu School roads, at Kabunda village, Manda mushitu. 0Zambia1327B4W1230

Rare, in moist soil; deep shade, 1.5 m tall; outer inflorescence bracts white.

83628Scleria racemosa13 May 1994DK Harder
DK Harder 3119 C Archer PRE
Collections in riverine miombo forest and in surrounding miombo woodlands on sandy soils on Mwaleshi River.Mpika District; Mano Camp just outside and N of North Luangwa N.P. 910Zambia1132C1N1110

Occasional near waters edge to 1.5 m; bracts light green to brown; seeds white.

117281Spermacoce dibrachiata16 Feb 2021D Lee
C Archer BT Wursten Makoni0Zimbabwe1832A3C0

iNaturalist record

117282Spermacoce dibrachiata26 Feb 2021R Cardinael
C Archer BT Wursten Turn off to Udu Dam, Nyanga1550Zimbabwe1832B3E1755

iNaturalist record

112941Trapa natans var. bispinosa17 Sep 2018D du Plessis
C Archer BT Wursten Alluvial Vegetation (open water)Meno A Kwena, Molosi, Boteti River.0Botswana2024A4N926

iNaturalist record


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Clare Archer., retrieved 16 September 2024

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