Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Iridaceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display images of herbarium specimens for each species within a particular family.

Note that all herbarium specimen images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on other websites.

Separate pages exist which display living plant images only and all images for this family.

Afrosolen bainesii S No herbarium specimen images found
Afrosolen erythranthus N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Afrosolen masukuensis S No herbarium specimen images found
Afrosolen schimperi N,W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Afrosolen setifolius W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Aristea abyssinica E No herbarium specimen images found
Aristea angolensis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Aristea ecklonii E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Aristea torulosa E No herbarium specimen images found
Babiana bainesii N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Crocosmia aurea subsp. aurea C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Crocosmia paniculata E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama formosum E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama formosum × plowesii E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama formosum/plowesii intermediates E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama inyangense E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama pauciflorum E No herbarium specimen images found
Dierama plowesii E No herbarium specimen images found
Dietes iridioides C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Ferraria glutinosa N,W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Freesia grandiflora subsp. grandiflora N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus atropurpureus N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus crassifolius E No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii (yellow form) W No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus dalenii subsp. andongensis N No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii (red form) No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus decoratus E No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus flavoviridis E No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus juncifolius E No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus magnificus W No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus melleri N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus mosambicensis N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus permeabilis subsp. edulis W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus sericeovillosus subsp. calvatus C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus unguiculatus N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gladiolus zimbabweensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Hesperantha ballii E No herbarium specimen images found
Hesperantha coccinea E No herbarium specimen images found
Hesperantha longicollis W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Hesperantha petitiana E No herbarium specimen images found
Lapeirousia caudata W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Lapeirousia odoratissima N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea carsonii E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea inyangani E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea muddii E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea natalensis N,W,C,S No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea schimperi C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea spathulata E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea stricta E No herbarium specimen images found
Moraea thomsonii E No herbarium specimen images found
Radinosiphon leptostachya C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Romulea camerooniana E No herbarium specimen images found
Sisyrinchium micranthum C No herbarium specimen images found

54 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Iridaceae.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-herb-images-by-family.php?family_id=110, retrieved 17 February 2025

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