Collections made by Jacobsen

Records: 79

The following is a list of the collections made by Jacobsen in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Zimbabwe (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
53224 Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha10 Jan 1966WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 2994 SRGH
Sengwa Research Station, Kariba district.0Zimbabwe1828A2N0

48909 Adiantum poiretii21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3878 SRGH
Indigenous forest in deep shadeBanti South0Zimbabwe1932B4E1770

Tufted ground fern, 40-45 cms tall

48910 Adiantum poiretii25 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3086 SRGH
Bridal Veil Falls640Zimbabwe1932D4E1400

48937 Adiantum raddianum21 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3015 SRGH
On granite soil in steep earth bankBelow Mountain Lodge Hotel, Vumba Mountains63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1650

Erect ground fern

48938 Adiantum raddianum22 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3888 SRGH
Deep shade near streamBelow Black Mountain Inn, Cashel0Zimbabwe1932D2E1130

Tufted ground fern, 40-45 cms tall

49732 Amauropelta bergiana var. bergiana23 Jan 1964WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3063 SRGH
In deep shady ravineSheba Forest Estate0Zimbabwe1832D4E1800

Erect tufted ground fern

52110 Ampelopteris prolifera4 Feb 1966WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3000 SRGH
Edge of Lutope river, amongst grassSengwa Research station, Kariba0Zimbabwe1828A2N0

35023 Anemia angolensis12 Mar 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3136 SRGH
Rocky watercourse and steep earth banks Lomagundi, N of silverside mine0Zimbabwe1630C4N1130

24454 Arthropteris monocarpa21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3876 SRGH
Shade on forest floor, commonBanti forest, South0Zimbabwe1932B4E1765

24479 Arthropteris orientalis6 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3764 SRGH
Open grassland amongst rocksInyanga, Nyamziwa falls0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ77-82-E1675

35217 Asplenium anisophyllum13 Mar 1976WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3836 SRGH
Forest path, deep shade. Imbezi forest Est. Zuwane forest, Mutare district.0Zimbabwe1832D3E1570

35640 Asplenium erectum22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3036 SRGH
Deep shade Bunga forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe2032B2E0

35641 Asplenium erectum24 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3898 SRGH
Deep shade under Dracaena thicket Chirinda forest near Swynnerton memorial60Zimbabwe2032B3E0

35757 Asplenium gemmiferum24 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3891 SRGH
Deep shade in forest Near Swynnerton memorial, Chirinda Forest60Zimbabwe2032B3E1130

35778 Asplenium hypomelas13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen s.n. SRGH
Deep shade at bottom end of ravine Imbeza forest reserve, Zuwane forest0Zimbabwe1832D3E1480

35973 Asplenium monanthes21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3883 SRGH
In forest almost under waterfall Banti S0Zimbabwe1932B4E1770

36141 Asplenium protensum21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3866 SRGH
In shade near stream in forest Banti S0Zimbabwe1932B4E1770

36239 Asplenium sandersonii21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3877 SRGH
Epiphyte in shade Banti S0Zimbabwe1932B4E1770

36168 Asplenium stuhlmannii25 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3904 SRGH
Among grass at base of granite outcrops Kyle dam, 2miles S of dam, Masvingo0Zimbabwe2031A1S975

36337 Asplenium unilaterale24 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3893 SRGH
Near spring Chirinda forest60Zimbabwe2032B3 E1130

36342 Asplenium varians subsp. fimbriatum13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3831 SRGH
Deep shade on rocks in ravine Imbezi Forest Est., Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D3E1380

52915 Athyrium newtonii28 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3093 SRGH
Erect ground fern on rocksTessa's Pool, Chimanimani0Zimbabwe1932D4E1130

53042 Athyrium schimperi6 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3763 SRGH
In open grassland among rocksNyanziwa Falls, on S-side, Nyanga district0Zimbabwe1832B2E1680

Tufted ground fern, 35-40 cm tall

52115 Christella dentata1 May 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 633 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Growing on banks of the Kove river.Sengwa Research Station0Zimbabwe1828A2N0

Very common

52347 Christella dentata29 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3115 SRGH
Common in deep shadeChirinda forest60Zimbabwe2032B3E1130

Erect, tufted, ground fern, 3-4 feet high

52669 Christella gueinziana4 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3715 SRGH
Under rock, almost under water.Inyangombe Falls, Nyanga district.54,1540Zimbabwe1832B3E1584

Tufted ground fern, 90 cms tall

39880 Crepidomanes melanotrichum7 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3792 SRGH
Indigenous forest, under surface of rocks.Road to Mtarazi falls, Inyanga0Zimbabwe1832B4E1463

Rhizomatous fern, forming dense mats - 3-4 cm tall

39895 Crepidomanes melanotrichum22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3031 SRGH
Small epiphytic fernBunga forest, Vumba Mountains39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E0

Up to 1 inch

39896 Crepidomanes melanotrichum22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3044 SRGH
Lithophytic and gregarious on bouldersForest just below Mountain Lodge Hotel, Vumba63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1524

39944 Crepidomanes melanotrichum28 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3094 SRGH
On rocks near waterfall, forming dense mats on surface of rocksTessa' s pool, Chimanimani0Zimbabwe1932D4VP983146E1130

22556 Dicranopteris linearis23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3081 SRGH
Forest edgeMutare, Sheba forest estate on Mozambican border0Zimbabwe1832D4E1735

53166 Diplazium nemorale13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3833 SRGH
Deep shady ravine with tall fronds, not frequentImbeza Forest, Zuwane Forest0Zimbabwe1832D3E1510

Large tufted ground fern, 150 cm tall

53190 Diplazium zanzibaricum13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3848 SRGH
Common in ravineImbeza Forest Reserve, Zuware Forest, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D3E1510

Tree fern, 1.8-2.5m tall

49539 Elaphoglossum acrostichoides28 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 8098 SRGH
Amongst bouldersTesse Pools, Chimanimani Mountains0Zimbabwe1932D4E0

Erect rhizomatous fern, 12 inches high

49541 Elaphoglossum acrostichoides5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3747 SRGH
On streamlet, on rocks, in shadeW side of Inyangani54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4E2255

Rhizomatous lithophyte

49563 Elaphoglossum aubertii28 Jan 1964WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3095 SRGH
On bouldersTessa's Pool, Chimanimani Mountains.0Zimbabwe1932D4E1130

Lithophytic fern

49659 Elaphoglossum hybridum5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3751 SRGH
On steep soil banks in streamlet, in deep shadeW-side of Inyangani, Rhodes (Nyanga) National Park46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4E0

Erect lithophyte rhizomatous fern, 10-20 cm tall

49599 Elaphoglossum kuhnii6 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3767 SRGH
In deep shade on cliffs and on groundNyamuziwa falls, on N side0Zimbabwe1832B4E1680

Rhizomatous ground fern, 20-30 cm tall

49742 Elaphoglossum macropodium28 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3094 SRGH
Between boulders in gorgeTessa's Pools, Chimanimani Mountains0Zimbabwe1932D4E1130

22389 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum1 May 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 632 SRGH
Edge of Sengwa River, near mouth of Kove RiverGokwe, Sengwa Resarch station0Zimbabwe1828A1PK29-89-N0

114931 Eriosema youngii var. youngii30 Dec 1962WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 2024 (or2026?) SRGH
Doma area, Rukuti Farm, Lomagundi (now Makonde) District0Zimbabwe1630C3N1175

Flowers yellow

22439 Histiopteris incisa21 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3012 SRGH
Montane forestVumba, below Mountain Lodge63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1615

22657 Huperzia saururus5 Mar 1963WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3754 SRGH
On steep earth banks and rock walls in streamlet in deep shadeInyanga, Mt. Inyangani, W-side46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ83-76-E2250

40170 Hymenophyllum capense7 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3782 SRGH
Mtarazi Falls, Inyanga54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4E1370

Small cryptogamous plant forming dense entangled masses; 3-4.5 cms high

40238 Hymenophyllum kuhnii22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3042 SRGH
Epiphytic with Vittaria isoetifoliaBunga Forest, Vumba39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1830

(Altitude 1830m?)

40241 Hymenophyllum kuhnii7 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3778 SRGH
In crack of rock overlooking fallsMtarazi Falls, Inyanga46,1550Zimbabwe1832B4E1370

Lithophytic cryptogamous plant forming entangled masses on rock face. 8-11 cms tall

40263 Hymenophyllum tunbridgense5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3757 SRGH
On rocks in densely entangled mats in deep shadeW-side of Inyangani, Inyanga46,1550Zimbabwe1832B4E2260

Rhizomatous form to 3-4 cms tall

22448 Hypolepis sparsisora13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3837 SRGH
Open places on steep slopesImbezi Forest Estate, Zuvane forest0Zimbabwe1832D3E1555

74526 Ipomoea fulvicaulis var. heterocalyx19 Dec 1965WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 2804 ML Gonçalves SRGH
In Brachystegia woodlandc. 22 miles West of Alaska Mine on Chinhoyi - Sanyati rd, Lomagundi District.0Zimbabwe1729D1N1067

Perennial herb, 30-40 cm high; flowers pink. Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 1:69 (1987).

52847 Lepisorus excavatus5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3748 SRGH
Epiphytic, in streamletW side of Inyangani46,540Zimbabwe1832B4E2260

Rhizomatous, epiphytic fern to 20-30 cm tall

52851 Lepisorus excavatus22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3038 SRGH
Epiphytic or lithophytic fernBunga forest, Vumba Mountain39,630Zimbabwe1932B2E1830

52863 Lepisorus excavatus23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3065 SRGH
Epiphytic on large tree in ravineSheba Forest Estate, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D4E0

Epiphytic rhizomatous fern

40863 Lomariopsis warneckei24 Mar 1968WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3896 SRGH
Near spring in the centre of the forest.Chirinda Forest60Zimbabwe2032B3 E1130

Rhizomatous ground - or epiphytic fern, to 70 cm tall

22686 Lycopodiella caroliniana4 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3730 SRGH
Streambed on wet groundInyanga, Inyanga N.P., Mare dam54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ75-77-E1830

22696 Lycopodiella cernua23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3060 SRGH
Shallow soil on graniteSheba Forest Estate0Zimbabwe1832D4E1795

22737 Lycopodium clavatum23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3064 SRGH
In ravineSheba Forest Estate0Zimbabwe1795

22458 Microlepia speluncae22 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3887 SRGH
Deep shade near streamChimanimani, Cashel, Black Mt. Inn0Zimbabwe1932D2E1125

24513 Oleandra distenta28 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3092 SRGH
On rocks from cliffsChimanimani, Tessa's pool33,660Zimbabwe1932D4VP983146E1125

52877 Pleopeltis macrocarpa29 Jan 1964WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3121 SRGH
Epiphytic on large trees about 100 feet upChirinda forest60Zimbabwe2032B3E1130

52878 Pleopeltis macrocarpa5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3750 SRGH
Epiphyte, in streamlet, with Pleopeltis excavataW. side of Inyangani46,540Zimbabwe1832B4E2260

Epiphyte, 10-20 cm tall

52879 Pleopeltis macrocarpa22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3032 SRGH
Small lithophyte on granite bouldersForest on Eastern slope of Castle Mountain, Vumba Mts.50,630Zimbabwe1932B1E1830

53053 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii12 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3849 SRGH
On rocks, in shadeUmtali Heights, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D3E1520

Small, rhizomatous lithophyte, 5-8 cm tall

53055 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii21 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3018 SRGH
In montane forest, on large granite boulders in shade, lithophyte.Below Mountain Lodge, Vumba Hotel630Zimbabwe1932B2E1620

53056 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii29 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3120 SRGH
Epiphyte on large trees, high up the stem.Chirinda forest60Zimbabwe2032b3E1130

52720 Pneumatopteris unita22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3040 SRGH
Swampy gully in shadeForest on eastern slope of Castle Mountain, Vumba630Zimbabwe1932B2E1830

Small tree fern, stem 1 foot high, fronds 4 feet

52722 Pneumatopteris unita13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3843 SRGH
At bottom end of ravine, in deep shade.Imbeza Forest Reserve, Zuware Forest, Mutare district.0Zimbabwe1832D3E1490

Low-stemmed, large ground fern, 150 cms tall.

39943 Polyphlebium borbonicum13 Mar 1969JF Ngoni
WBG Jacobsen 3835 SRGH
Epiphyte on E side of thick tree boles - forming mats, 2-3 cms tallImbeza Forets Estate, Zivane Forest, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D3E1570

49366 Polystichum transvaalense21 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3864 JP Roux SRGH
Indigenous forest, near stream.Banti South.0Zimbabwe1932B4E1770

Tufted ground fern to 70-80 cm tall.

49336 Polystichum zambesiacum22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3037 JP Roux SRGH
Deep shade, erect tufted ground fern.Bunga forest, Vumba Mountain.39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1828

49338 Polystichum zambesiacum13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3838 JP Roux SRGH
On contour path in deep shade.Imbeza forest estate, Zuwane indigenous forest0Zimbabwe1832D3E1570

Tufted ground fern, to 80 cm tall.

49358 Polystichum zambesiacum22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3033 JP Roux SRGH
In swampy ravine, in deep shade.Forest on eastern slope of Castle Mountain, Vumba Mountains630Zimbabwe1931B1E0

53276 Pteris catoptera7 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3795 SRGH
Indigenous forest, ground fern, 100 cms tall.On road to Mtarazi Falls, Nyanga district.0Zimbabwe1832B4E1460

53094 Pyrrosia rhodesiana22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3043 SRGH
Epiphytic fern in forestBelow Mount Lodge Hotel 630Zimbabwe1932B2E1615

53095 Pyrrosia rhodesiana29 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3119 SRGH
Epiphytic on large treesChirinda forest60Zimbabwe2032B3E1130

41866 Selaginella dregei9 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3817 SRGH
Mossy humid pockets on granite NW side of Mare Dam, Inyanga54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ75-77-E1980

22574 Sticherus umbraculifer5 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3738 SRGH
In streambed in deep shadeInyanga, Mt. Inyangani, W flank46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4VQ83-76-E2250

48705 Tectaria gemmifera13 Mar 1969WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3844 SRGH
Common in shade, rhizomatous ground fern up to 5' tallImbeza Forest Reserve, Zuwane Forest0Zimbabwe1832D3E1570

52529 Thelypteris confluens23 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3067 SRGH
In ravine in open sedge swamp with CyperaceaeSheba Forest Estate, Mutare district0Zimbabwe1832D4E1800

Rhizomatous erect fern

41576 Vittaria isoetifolia22 Jan 1967WBG Jacobsen
WBG Jacobsen 3041 SRGH
Epiphyte on large tree 15 feet in heightBunga forest, Vumba Mountain39,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1830

15 to 18 inches high


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Collections made by Jacobsen., retrieved 8 September 2024

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