Checklist: Acanthaceae



This is a checklist of species, generated from the database, which are known to have been cultivated in Zimbabwe.

To go to the main family page, click on the family name above.

Hypoestes phyllostachya
Balkwill, K. & Welman, W.G. (2000) Acanthaceae. In Leistner, O.A. Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera. Strelitzia 10 34-45  
Darbyshire, I., Vollesen, K. & Kelbessa, E. (2010) Acanthaceae (Part 2) Flora of Tropical East Africa Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.  
Darbyshire, I., Vollesen, K. & Kelbessa, E. (2015) Acanthaceae (Part 2) Flora Zambesiaca 8(6)   
Leistner, O.A. (2005) Seed plants of southern tropical Africa: families and genera SABONET Report No. 26 SABONET, Pretoria  
Vollesen, K. (2009) Acanthaceae (Part 1) Flora of Tropical East Africa   
Vollesen, K. (2013) Acanthaceae (Part 1) Flora Zambesiaca 8(5)   
7914.000 THUNBERGIA Retz.
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims
Thunbergia bikamaensis De Wild.
Thunbergia fuscata Lindau
Thunbergia kamatembica Mildbr.
Thunbergia manganjensis Lindau
Thunbergia nymphaeifolia Lindau
Thunbergia battiscombei Turrill
Thunbergia grandiflora (Roxb. ex Rottler) Roxb.
Thunbergia holstii Lindau
Thunbergia erecta sensu auct.
Thunbergia mysorensis (Wight) T. Anderson
7919.000 SANCHEZIA Ruiz. & Pav.
Sanchezia parvibracteata Hook. f.
Sanchezia nobilis sensu Darbyshire et al. in FTEA p.p.
Sanchezia oblonga sensu Maroyi
7925.000 BRILLANTAISIA P. Beauv.
Brillantaisia cicatricosa Lindau
Brillantaisia grandidentata S. Moore
Brillantaisia kirungae Lindau
Brillantaisia subulugurica Burkill
Brillantaisia ulugurica Lindau
7934.000 PETALIDIUM Nees
Petalidium bracteatum Oberm.
7939.000 DYSCHORISTE Nees
Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora (S. Moore) Lindau
Calophanes thunbergiiflora S. Moore
7951.000 STROBILANTHES Blume
Strobilanthes anisophylla (Wall. ex Hook.) T. Anderson
Strobilanthes isophylla (Nees) T. Anderson
Strobilanthes auriculata Nees
var. dyeriana (Mast.) J.R.I. Wood
Perilepta dyeriana (Mast.) Bremek.
Strobilanthes dyeriana Mast.
Strobilanthes gossypina T. Anderson
Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) Bosser & Heine
7955.000 WHITFIELDIA Hook.
Whitfieldia elongata (P. Beauv.) C.B. Clarke
7965.000 RUELLIA L.
Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) Ezcurra
Ruellia amoena Nees
Ruellia graecizans Backer
Stephanophysum longifolium Poir.
Ruellia elegans Poir.
Arrhostoxylum elegans (Poir.) Bremek. & Nann.-Bremek.
Arrhostoxylum formosum Nees
Ruellia formosa Andr.
Ruellia makoyana Closon
Ruellia portellae Hook. f.
Ruellia simplex C. Wright
Cryphiacanthus angustifolius Nees
Ruellia angustifolia (Nees) Lindau
Ruellia brittoniana Leonard
7966.000 ERANTHEMUM L.
Eranthemum laxiflorum A. Gray
Eranthemum pulchellum Andrews
Daedalacanthus nervosus (Vahl) T. Anderson
Eranthemum nervosum Roem. & Schult.
7973.000 BARLERIA L.
Barleria crassa C.B. Clarke
subsp. crassa
Barleria nyasensis sensu auct., non C.B.Clarke
Barleria venosa Oberm.
Barleria cristata L.
Barleria elegans C.B. Clarke
subsp. orientalis I.Darbysh.
Barleria mackenii Hook.f.
Barleria cunenensis Benoist
Barleria gibsonii sensu Shendage & Yadav in part
Barleria jucunda Benoist
Barleria jucunda Benoist var. pilosula Benoist
Barleria obtusa Nees
Barleria repens Nees
Barleria querimbensis Klotzsch
Barleria swynnertonii S. Moore
Barleria rotundifolia Oberm.
7981.000 ACANTHUS L.
Acanthus mollis L.
Acanthus polystachyus Delile
Acanthus pubescens (Oliv.) Engl.
7985.000 CROSSANDRA Salisb.
Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees
subsp. infundibuliformis
Crossandra nilotica Oliv.
Crossandra massaica sensu Maroyi
Crossandra nilotica Oliv. subsp. acuminata (Lindau ex C.B.Clarke) Napper
7992.000 APHELANDRA R. Br.
Aphelandra squarrosa Nees
8007.000 ASYSTASIA Blume
Asystasia sp. (Biegel 5184)
Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff.
Justicia picta L.
8013.000 PACHYSTACHYS Nees
Pachystachys lutea Nees
8015.000 ANISACANTHUS Nees
Anisacanthus quadrifidus (Vahl) Nees
var. wrightii (Torr.) Henrickson
Anisacanthus wrightii (Torr.) A. Gray
8022.000 RUSPOLIA Lindau
Ruspolia australis (Milne-Redh.) Vollesen
Ruspolia hypocrateriformis (Vahl) Milne-Redh. subsp. australis Milne-Redh.
Ruspolia sp. no. 1 (Biegel 5407)
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii (Seem.) Guill.
Pseuderanthemum reticulatum Radlk.
8031.000 DICLIPTERA Juss.
Dicliptera sericea Nees
Dicliptera suberecta (André) Bremer
Jacobinia suberecta André
8032.000 HYPOESTES Sol. ex R.Br.
Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.
Hypoestes verticillaris (L.f.) Roem. & Schult.
Justicia aristata Vahl
Hypoestes phyllostachya Baker
Hypoestes sanguinolenta auct.
8037.000 ODONTONEMA Nees
Odontonema callistachyum (Cham. & Schltdl.) Kuntze
Ecbolium corymbulosum (Bertol.) Kuntze
Justicia callistachya Kuntze
Thyrsacanthus callistachyus (Schltdl. & Cham.) Nees
Odontonema cuspidatum (Nees) Kuntze
Odontonema strictum sensu Maroyi
Thyrsacanthus cuspidatus Nees
8039.000 MACKAYA Harv.
Mackaya bella Harv.
8063.000 RUTTYA Harv.
Ruttya fruticosa Lindau
Ruttya scholesii Hort.
8063.010 X RUTTYRUSPOLIA A. Meeuse & De Wet
x Ruttyruspolia 'Phyllis van Heerden'
8075.000 MEGASKEPASMA Lindau
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Lindau
8094.000 JUSTICIA L.
JACOBINIA Nees ex Moricand  
MONECHMA Hochst.  
Justicia adhatodoides (Nees) V.A.W. Graham
Adhatoda duvernoia C.B. Clarke
Duvernoia adhatodoides Nees
Justicia aurea Schltdl.
Jacobinia aurea (Schltdl.) Hemsl.
Justicia betonica L.
Adhatoda betonica (L.) Nees
Adhatoda cheiranthifolia Nees
Adhatoda lupulina Nees
Adhatoda variegata Nees var. pallidior Nees
Justicia betonicoides C.B. Clarke
Justicia cheiranthifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke
Justicia pallidior (Nees) C.B. Clarke
Justicia pallidior (Nees) C.B. Clarke var. cooperi C.B. Clarke
Justicia uninervis S. Moore
Justicia brandegeeana Wassh. & L.B. Sm.
Beloperone guttata Brandegee
Justicia carnea Lindl.
Jacobinia obtusior (Voss) L.H. Bailey
Jacobinia pohliana (Nees) Lindau var. obtusior Voss
Jacobinia velutina Glaziou
Justicia fulvicoma Cham. & Schltdl.
Beloperone comosa Nees
Justicia plantaginifolia J. Jacq.
Beloperone oblongata Lindl.
Justicia spicigera Schtdl.
Justicia oblongata sensu Maroyi

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Cultivated plants checklist: Acanthaceae., retrieved 12 September 2024

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