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Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.
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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Passifloraceae | Adenia gummifera var. gummifera | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Agavaceae | Agave attenuata (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Allamanda cathartica (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Commelinaceae | Aneilema aequinoctiale | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Bauhinia galpinii | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Poaceae | Brachiaria umbellata | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Brachychiton acerifolius (cultivated) (planted) | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rubiaceae | Breonadia salicina | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Theaceae | Camellia sinensis | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Catharanthus roseus (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Centratherum punctatum subsp. punctatum | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Chamaecrista rotundifolia | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Lamiaceae | Clerodendrum cephalanthum subsp. swynnertonii | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Peraceae | Clutia abyssinica var. abyssinica | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Araceae | Colocasia esculenta | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Agavaceae | Cordyline fruticosa (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Crassocephalum crepidioides | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria recta | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Cyathula prostrata var. pedicellata | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Cyathula prostrata var. pedicellata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Cyathula prostrata var. pedicellata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Cycadaceae | Cycas revoluta (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Desmodium uncinatum | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Iridaceae | Dietes iridioides | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Dracaenaceae | Dracaena fragrans (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Caryophyllaceae | Drymaria cordata var. cordata (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Verbenaceae | Duranta erecta (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste nagchana | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Arecaceae | Elaeis guineensis (cultivated) (planted) | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Emilia coccinea | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Emilia coccinea | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Eranthemum pulchellum (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Euryops chrysanthemoides (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Moraceae | Ficus chirindensis | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Solanaceae | Iochroma cyaneum (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea involucrata var. involucrata | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea tenuirostris subsp. tenuirostris | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Jacaranda mimosifolia (planted) | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Justicia striata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Justicia tenella | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Macaranga mellifera | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Mangifera indica | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Mangifera indica | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Chrysobalanaceae | Maranthes goetzeniana | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Chrysobalanaceae | Maranthes goetzeniana | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Chrysobalanaceae | Maranthes goetzeniana | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Microglossa pyrifolia | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Araceae | Monstera deliciosa (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rubiaceae | Mussaenda arcuata | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Neojeffreya decurrens | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Newtonia buchananii | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Osmundaceae | Osmunda regalis | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis corniculata | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis latifolia | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria capitata | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Phaulopsis imbricata subsp. imbricata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Arecaceae | Phoenix reclinata (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Phormiaceae | Phormium tenax (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Phyllanthus nummulariifolius var. nummulariifolius | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Urticaceae | Pilea microphylla (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Pseuderanthemum subviscosum | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Myrtaceae | Psidium guajava | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Combretaceae | Pteleopsis myrtifolia | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Marattiaceae | Ptisana salicifolia | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Cactaceae | Rhipsalis baccifera | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rubiaceae | Rutidea orientalis | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Ruttya fruticosa (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Oleaceae | Schrebera alata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Poaceae | Setaria megaphylla | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Sida acuta | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Smilacaceae | Smilax anceps | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Loganiaceae | Strychnos angolensis | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Loganiaceae | Strychnos lucens | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Arecaceae | Syagrus romanzoffiana (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Myrtaceae | Syzygium cordatum | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rubiaceae | Tarenna pavettoides subsp. affinis | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rubiaceae | Tarenna pavettoides subsp. affinis | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia alata | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Rutaceae | Toddalia asiatica | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Melastomataceae | Tristemma mauritianum var. mauritianum | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Triumfetta tomentosa | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonia holstii | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonia meiostephana | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonia myriantha | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonia wollastonii | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Vincetoxicum conspicuum | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Arecaceae | Washingtonia robusta (cultivated) (planted) | Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Annonaceae | Xylopia aethiopica | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Annonaceae | Xylopia aethiopica | On golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | Record |
Asteraceae | Youngia japonica | Aberfoyle Lodge. | Record |
Number of records found: 93
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