Records determined by Marianne Hochobes

Determinations: 106

The following is a list of the records determined by Marianne Hochobes in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
95425Acacia luederitzii var. luederitzii24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1236 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A21041

15 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 15m high. Leaves: paripinate, hairy. Flower: heads present, white to cream.

95372Acrotome angustifolia20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1115 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11044

0.5 m high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 0.5m high. Leaves: opposite, margin dentate. Flowers: appear in clusters inside flower bracts, white in colour.

95049Alectra vogelii4 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1944 MM Hochobes WIND
Rare. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, deep sandy soil.Okavango, Rundu District: Divundu, Road D3497.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A21063

Herb 50 cm high. Stem glandular with short hairs. Leaves leathery, elongated, ovate and whorled, spirally arranged. Flowers in terminal raceme, yellow rosettes, filament fused and hairy.

93949Alternanthera sessilis9 Nov 1982MAN Müller
MAN Müller 3002 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Maningi manzi.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C20

Notes: Prostrate herb, growing at waters edge.

93299Alysicarpus rugosus subsp. rugosus21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1156 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41023

30 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 30cm high. Leaves: alternate, ovate - linear - lanceolate on very short petiole. Fruit: legume, constricted at seeds, terminal.

93189Aristida meridionalis5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1946 MM Hochobes WIND
Abundant. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, sandy soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31010

Erect, smooth with rolled leaves. Inflorescence open, lax panicle, with brownish spikelets. Ligule fringe of hairs inner part.

93861Aristida meridionalis16 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3054 MM Hochobes WIND
Common but restricted to pans.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Tall annual grass up to 2 m high. Inflorescence fine. Culms yellow. Awns 3, glabrous, very long.

94989Basananthe pedata19 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1072 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; road from Divundu.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11092

30 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 30cm high. Leaves: linear, lobed, margin dentate. Fruit: berry, green in colour.

93070Bauhinia macrantha20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1125 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

0.5 m high; subshrub; Notes: Shrublet, 0.5m high. Flowers: immature, white. Leaves: folded in the midrib, soft hairy, veins prominent on under surface.

93130Bauhinia macrantha24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1216 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41009

2 m high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 1-2m high. Stem: brown, waxy. Leaves: alternate, folded in midrib, apex broadly emarginate, base deeply auriculate. Flowers: white, fringe.

93307Bauhinia macrantha21 Sep 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1149 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41023

1 m high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 1m high, with brown, hairy stem. Flowers: white, calyx elongated split at the apex.

95070Bauhinia macrantha4 Dec 1973LA Coetzer
JV Van Greuning
LA Coetzer 203 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Between Andara Mission Station and river. About 2 miles east of Community Centre.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A21000

Shrub; Creeper; Notes: Shrub- creeper, leaning appearance 3 m high. No flowers. Sandy soil,- mixed bushveld. Sand flats, tree savanna and woodland.

95481Bergia pentheriana22 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 112 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B20

Creeper; Notes: Creeper-like plant. Stems covered in hard hair. Leaves ovate and opposite with slightly serrate margins. Tiny pink flowers with 5 petals, 6 stamens and pink pistil, flowers sessile in leaf axils. Common, grows in omuramba in clay soil.

93132Bolusia amboensis24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1209 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41055

60 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, about 60cm high, with smooth stem. Leaves: trifoliate, leaflets obovate-elliptic, petiole base stipulate. Fruits: translucent legumes.

93868Boscia mossambicensis21 Jun 2007PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Next to tar road, among other trees on an anthill. 1741.036'S 2404.223'E0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Shrub; Notes: Small shrub, about 60-100 cm high. Multi-stemmed. Remnants of flowers. Fruit spherical, 1 cm, green when unripe.

93733Chamaecrista absus5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Near Kwando River, at turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 1 m high. Stems hairy. Leaves composite, shiny green. Flowers 1 cm, yellow. Thick clusters of seed pods, brown, hairy with black seed, 2 cm.

93075Chamaecrista mimosoides20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1122 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

20 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 20cm high, with yellow flowers on long pedicels.

93201Chloris virgata5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1949 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Growing in seasonally waterlogged plain, in hard calcrete. Shade. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D3912

Erect grass 30 cm high. Branched at flattened nodes. Leaves very soft, folded from the base. Inflorescence a spike, it opens up when it gets wet.

94994Cleome hirta19 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1718 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip, along Rundu-Katima road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11069

Herb; Notes: Annual herb, 40 - 60 cm high. Flowers pastel purple with dark purple stripes, in terminal racemes. Leaves alternate, palmate, with 5 - 7 leaflets, leaflets linear, long. Stems erect, green, glandular, round, mostly unbranched. Whole plant sticky glandular, with a pungent smell. Frequent on roadverge.

93078Coccinia adoensis20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1137 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

Climber; Notes: Climber with leaves palmately lobed, margins dentate, soft tendril attached at petiole base. Flowers: light orange, hairy inside.

93079Colophospermum mopane20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1133 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

3 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 3m high. Leaves: split into 2 leaflets and joined at the bases, where attached to petiole. Stem: brown.

93082Corchorus tridens20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1142 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road to Angola border, form Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31152

20 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 20cm high. Flower: bright yellow. Leaves: single, ovate - elliptic, margin wavy.

93979Crotalaria steudneri12 Feb 1988GL Maggs
GL Maggs 228 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Forestry Reserve, west of Katima Mulilo.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C20

Herb; Notes: Annual herb, 30 cm when in flower. Stem erect, slender, terete, green to brown-tinted with dense white, short, adpressed indumentum, tends to branch rigidly near apex to form bushy herb. Leaves alternate, trifoliolate; stipules paired, minute, 2 mm long, linear; petiole 1.5 cm long, slender but fairly rigid supporting leaf in acute position; pinna narrowly ovate to lanceolate, apex minutely apiculate, base rounded, margin entire, up to 30 x 4 mm, dull green, (median pinna slightly larger than lateral pair), abaxially sparsely pubescent with prominent midrib, adaxially glabrous. Flowers in axillary racemes, small, cm in length, slightly pendulous. Petals dull yellow to apricot. Sepals minute, dull green, densely pubescent, persistent. Fruit: a pod, short, ovoid, 7 x 3 mm, densely pubescent, style apically persistent. Seeds reniform.

93217Cynodon dactylon5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1957 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, calcrete soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31007

Perennial grass, 40 cm high. Short nodes. Inflorescence digitate.

93329Dicerocaryum eriocarpum21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1168 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; about 5km away from the main road, Divundu-Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4990

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb, leaves opposite, ovate, margins deeply dentate. Flowers: short trumpet-shape, purple.

93421Dicerocaryum eriocarpum23 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1206 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3 - Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C1991

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: opposite, margin dentate. Flowers: purple, short trumpet-shaped. Fruit: green, round, utricle.

93887Digitaria eriantha17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3060 MM Hochobes WIND
Frequent in grasslands.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Tall grass up to 1.7 m. Inflorescence digitate.

93088Dioscorea quartiniana20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1141 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31152

Climber; Notes: Climbing herb. Inflorescence: a spike, cream in colour. Leaves: whorled, arranged around the stem.

93089Duosperma crenatum20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1136 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park. Side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

Herb, 0.20 m high. Hairy at internodes. Flowers in leaf axils in elongated bracts, white. Leaves opposite, elliptic, margin serrate and wavy.

93225Eleusine indica5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1950 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Woodland. Growing on seasonally waterlogged plain in hard calcrete soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31012

Grass 40 cm high. Stem flattened, smooth towards the base. Ligule fringe of short hairs. Inflorescence digitate.

93336Enicostema axillare subsp. axillare21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1166 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3, 3km away from the main road; Divundu-Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

20 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 20cm high. Leaves: opposite. Flowers: appears in whorled arranged bracts, orange.

95494Enicostema axillare subsp. axillare22 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 116 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Along Namibia - Botswana border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2976

15 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Tiny herbaceous shrub, 10 - 15 cm high. Stem herbaceous and green, some are squared. Leaves sessile, linear, light grey in colour, velvety below and shiny on top. Flowers in a whorl in leaf axils, sessile, 5 linear petals fused into a tube and yellow centre. Rare. Grows in omuramba in white sandy soil.

93228Enneapogon cenchroides5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1945 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, sandy soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31010

Grass 70 cm high. Erect, smooth and stiff. Inflorescence a terminal raceme, blackish-green single spikelets.

93338Entada arenaria subsp. arenaria21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1177 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: At Omega.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

1 m high; Shrub; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex shrub, up to 1m high. Leaves: compound, whole plant smooth; leaflets sub-sessile, base asymmetric; petiole base thickened, stipitate gland present at the base. Pods green, flattened, broad, constricted between seeds.

93231Eragrostis cylindriflora5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1955 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Woodland. Growing in seasonally waterlogged plain in calcrete soil. Full sun.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31007

Perennial, spreading grass. Leaves leathery, basal. Ligule membranous. Inflorescence paniculate, fine spikelets. Filed in WIND under Eragrostis trichophora

93229Eragrostis echinochloidea5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1952 MM Hochobes WIND
Common. Woodland. Growing in seasonally waterlogged plain in calcrete soil. Partial shade. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31012

Glabrous grass, 30 cm high. Spikelets compact, rough.

93894Eragrostis pallens17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3061 MM Hochobes WIND
Frequent in woodlands and at the edge of grasslands.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Attractive grass up to 1.7 m high. Inflorescence a dense panicle. Glumes densely stacked with no spaces in between.

93230Eragrostis superba5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1958 MM Hochobes WIND
Rare. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, calcrete soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31007

Erect, annual grass. Leave margins with long space hairs. Inflorescence lax raceme, with big sessile compact spikelets.

93896Erythrophleum africanum7 Nov 2004BJ Strohbach
BJ Strohbach 6073 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: About 5km out of Katima towards Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C1959

Climber; Notes: Perennial climber, 5-8m. Leaves: compound, drooping, velvety. Bark: young branches velvety. Stem: ascending (upright). Slope: flat. Sap: none. Smell of crushed leaf: none.

93152Gisekia africana24 Jan 2005H Haufiku
H Haufiku 36 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Katima-Kongola-Omega 3 road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41209

0.2 m high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 0.2 m high. Stem brown, erect, separate into 4 - 5. Leaves long, shiny. Flower pink. In sand soil along the roadside in grassland.

95391Gisekia pharnaceoides var. pharnaceoides20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1114 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going off the Divundu-Kongola road towards the Angola border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11044

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Flowers: purple, clustered, stamen more than 5. Leaves: linear-lanceolate, bicolourous. Stem: red.

95500Gisekia pharnaceoides var. pharnaceoides22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1184 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola main road; turn-off towards Botswana.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2972

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: linear. Flowers: purple, minute.

95503Gomphrena celosioides22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1197 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: At the Agriculture Office, Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B21028

Herb; Notes: Prostrate herb, soft hairy. Leaves: obovate. Inflorescence: a terminal spike, white flowers.

93155Guibourtia coleosperma24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1219 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41033

15 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 15m high. Leaves: paired and joined at the base where it is connected to the petiole, shiny green

93097Hoslundia opposita20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1138 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

Shrub; Notes: Shrub with squared stem and tendrils. Inflorescence: terminal flowers white, minute. Leaves: whorled, margins dentate.

93357Hoslundia opposita22 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 104 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4999

1 m high; Shrub; Notes: Small shrub, 1 m high. Stems woody. Leaves opposite, obovate, velvety. Flowers carried on tips of plant, white petals. Grows in stony to sandy soil.

93773Hoslundia opposita5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Near Kwando River, turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Shrub; Notes: Shrubs, about 1 m high. Flowers small. Seed fleshy, orange.

93900Hyperthelia dissoluta17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3063 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional in marshland.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Tall marshland grass with untidy inflorescence, 1.6 m high. Inflorescence fanning out and in regular intervals along the culms. Spikelets with long brown wiry awns.

93358Indigastrum parviflorum subsp. parviflorum var. parviflorum21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1162 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; along the Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

10 cm high; Herb; Notes: Upright herb, 10cm high, with compound leaves, folded in midrib. Flowers: pink. Fruit: green, legume.

93098Indigofera bainesii20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1144 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road towards Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31040

0.5 m high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 0.5m high. Flower: wine red coloured. Leaves: clustered and spirally arranged.

95401Indigofera charlieriana subsp. charlieriana var. charlieriana20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1111 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11050

15 cm high; Herb; Notes: Upright herb, 15cm high. Flowers: pink, single. Leaves: linear-lanceolate.

93159Indigofera daleoides var. daleoides24 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1820 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi strip, Rundu-Katima road, between Divundu and Omega.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41015

40 cm high; Herb; Notes: Shrubby herb, 40 cm high. Flowers in dense spikes, small, red with dark red markings at the base. Leaves compound, alternate, imparipinnate, leaflets covered with appressed hairs. Stems many from the base, erect, slanted, hairy, green to reddish. Occasional on road verge.

93360Indigofera daleoides var. daleoides21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1167 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; about 5km from the main road, Divundu-Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4990

Herb; Notes: Upright herb, soft hairy. Leaves: compound, leaflets sub-opposite. Inflorescence: in petiole axil, flowers pink.

95454Indigofera daleoides var. daleoides24 Jan 2005H Haufiku
H Haufiku 38 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Main road: Katima - Kongola0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A21033

0.5 m high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 0.5 m high. Stem erect, with hair. Leaves elliptic, small, grey. Fruits bean-like, green. Flower red, soft. In full sun in sand soil along the roadside in shrubland.

95508Indigofera daleoides var. daleoides22 Jan 2005S Bartsch
MM Hochobes
S Kruger
ES Klaassen
S Bartsch 1801 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Strip, south of Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B21002

25 cm high; Dwarf shrub; Notes: Herbaceous dwarf shrubs, 25 cm high. Flowers in elongated spikes, small, orange to red, inflorescence with red filiform bracts, calyx hairy. Leaves compound, imparipinnate, 7 pairs of leaflets per leaf, leaflets obovate, subsessile, covered with white apressed hairs, margins reddish. White sand.

93361Indigofera flavicans21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1174 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

Herb; Notes: Prostrate, tomentose herb. Inflorescence a spike. Flowers: pink.

95226Lantana angolensis4 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1943 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional. Woodland. Growing on plain in sandy soil. Full sun. Disturbed.Okavango, Rundu District: Divundu, Road D3497.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A21057

Suffrutex 60 cm high. Stem square. Leaves opposite, ovate. Margin serate, venation prominent on the under surface. Flowers clustered, minute, tubular, purple. Fruits lilac berries.

93102Limeum fenestratum var. fenestratum20 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 87 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31037

Shrub; Notes: Herbaceous shrub, 30 cm high. Green stem devoid of hair. Leaves linear, sessile. Tiny white flowers with 5 petals, somewhat funnel-shaped. Fruits are small capsules surrounded by fan-shaped wing. Veins on wings very prominent. Not so common. Grows in well-drained sandy loam soil area along disturbed area at fire break.

95403Limeum fenestratum var. fenestratum20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1108 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A11050

50 cm high; Herb; Notes: Smooth stemmed, dark green herb, 50cm high. Flower: minute, white, sessile. Leaves: linear. Fruits: translucent, round.

93783Meiosperma bracteatum5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi, Katima Mulilo District: Near Kwando River, at turn-off to Bum Hill camp site.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Annual herb, erect with a few stems, about 0.40-0.60 m high. Flowers small, white/rose coloured, in leaf axils.

93107Neorautanenia mitis20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1134 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

0.5 m high; Shrub; Notes: Low shrub, 0.5m high. Flowers: deep blue. Leaves: trifoliate, terminal leaflet larger than the other two.

95458Neorautanenia mitis24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1239 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A2991

50 cm high; Suffrutex; Notes: Suffrutex, 50cm high. Leaves: trifoliate, leathery, obovate. Flowers: terminal, mauve.

93372Nesaea rigidula21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1159 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

30 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 30cm high. Leaves: opposite, blue-green, ovate. Fruits: terminal, berries.

93375Ocimum americanum21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1170 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

20 cm high; Herb; Notes: Aromatic herb, 20cm high. Stem: hairy, squared. Leaves: opposite, ovate, margins dentate. Inflorescence: terminal, flowers found in bracts, minute.

93108Oxygonum delagoense20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1117 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Flowers: light pink, rosette shape. Leaves: alternate, hairy, linear, ligule with long hairs.

93167Oxygonum delagoense24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1212 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41055

50 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 50cm high. Leaves: linear, lax, tomentose, herb; ligule fringe. Flowers: white, single, terminal, rosette shaped.

95009Oxygonum delagoense19 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 70 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11069

40 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Small herbaceous shrub, 30 - 40 cm high. Stems creeping close to soil surface. Leaves sessile lanceolate and densely hairy. Flowers sessile with 5 white petals on tips of new growth. Not very common. Grows in well-drained soil in shade.

95459Oxygonum delagoense24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1233 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A21033

50 cm high; Herb; Notes: Soft lax herb, 50cm high. Leaves: linear-ovate, ligule fringe with long hairs. Flowers: alternate, white rosettes.

93256Panicum maximum5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1953 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional. Woodland. Growing in seasonally waterlogged plain in calcrete soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31012

Erect grass, 1 m high. Stem thick, 1 cm in diameter, hairy at the nodes. Inflorescence paniculate, first row of the inflorescence whorled, other alternately arranged. Spikelets purplish.

95282Perotis patens4 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1942 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, sandy soil. Full sun.Okavango, Rundu District: Divundu, Road D3497.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A21057

Erect grass, 60 cm high. Leaves basel, ovate, margins ciliate. Inflorescence a terminal spike, about 15 cm long.

93916Pogonarthria fleckii17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3058 MM Hochobes WIND
Frequent.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Small grass up to 40 cm high. Inflorescence a compact panicle, fish-bone like, purple, spherical if viewed from the top.

94692Polygala schinziana16 Feb 1989GL Maggs
GL Maggs 718 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: 7 km to Ngoma from Bukalo, mopane woodland along roadside.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724D30

Herb; Notes: Annual herb, 50 cm high. Stems slender, densely pubescent. Leaves alternate, lamina obovate, 40 x 14 mm, fresh green, with short white adpressed indumentum, apex truncate, base cuneate. Inflorescence axillary raceme, 15 cm long. Flowers 8 mm long. Posterior. Sepals free, cream with green venation, petals pale lilac.

95012Polygala schinziana19 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1074 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; along road from Divundu.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11092

40 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 40cm high. Flowers: violet, in a terminal raceme. Leaves: alternate with stipules at the base.

93920Pterocarpus angolensis7 Nov 2004BJ Strohbach
BJ Strohbach 6074 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: 15Km out of Katima towards Kongola, near turn off to Mpache.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C1 958

6 m high; Tree; Notes: Perennial tree, 4-6m high. Inflorescence: dense racemes, about 20cm long. Flower colour: yellow. Bark: smooth, seem to be flaking. Stem: single to multistemmed, ascending (upright). Slope: flat.

93834Pterocarpus lucens subsp. antunesii12 Dec 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: 80 km from Katima Mulilo on Kongola road, about 500 m south of road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723D30

Tree; Notes: Tree, 6 m high. Much branched. Bark loose, smooth. Stem fluted. Flowers yellow, pea-shaped, sweet smelling. Fruit small disc. Found in woodland. Uncommon.

93384Rhynchosia minima var. minima21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1161 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: At Omega 3; along the main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: cordate, trifoliate. Inflorescence: a raceme with yellow flowers.

93924Schizachyrium jeffreysii17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3062 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional in grasslands and at the edge of woodlands.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Grass, similar to Heteropogon contortus, but with a soft pubescent inflorescence.Spikelets with a tuft of soft woolly hairs.

93387Sesamum alatum21 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 101 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4994

50 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 50 cm high. Herbaceous. Stems slightly squared and green. Black glands at nodes. Leaves opposite with smaller leaves in tufts at nodes in leaf axils and palmately compound with 5 leaflets. Flowers a purple to light pink trumpet flower, dark purple centre, near sessile in leaf axil. Common, grows in white sandy soil.

95523Sesamum alatum22 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 117 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2988

40 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 40 cm high. Stem herbaceous and squared. Leaves linear, opposite and palmately compound with 5 leaflets. Flower stalk, 5 mm long. Light pink flowers with striped staminodium. Fruits long capsules, 4 lobed; black glands present at nodes. Scattered, grows in white sandy soil.

93800Spermacoce senensis5 Mar 2006PF Horn
PF Horn Not known MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Katima Mulilo District: near Kwando River, at turn-off to Bum Hill campsite.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C40

Herb; Notes: Annual herb, with few erect stems. Flowers white, small, axillary.

93116Sphedamnocarpus pruriens var. pruriens20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1135 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, form Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31057

Climber; Notes: Climber, covered with irritating hairs. Flowers: maroon.

93389Sphedamnocarpus pruriens var. pruriens21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1179 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Road Divundu-Kongola. At Omega, turn-off towards Botswana.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

Climber; Herb; Notes: Climbing herb with silver, irritating hairs. Leaves: opposite, elliptic. Flowers: yellow.

95413Sphedamnocarpus pruriens var. pruriens2 Mar 2004PF Horn
PF Horn Number unknown MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Next to tar road, at Omega in west Caprivi.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A10

180 cm high; Climber; Scrambler; Notes: Scrambler/climber. Height: 180cm. Stem: one, straight,/twisted, thin, growing upwards. Bark: smooth, light brown. Flowers: bright yellow, 20mm, smooth, clustered. Fruit: brown, 20mm, two-winged, smooth, clustered. Sap: none.

95526Striga bilabiata22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1187 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Divundu-Kongola; Omega, at Botswana border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2985

15 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 15cm high. Leaves: spirally arranged, stiff hairy. Flowers: tubular, in bracts, purple in colour.

93119Striga elegans20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1120 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border, Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

20 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 20cm high. Flowers: tubular, in leaf axils, bright orange, rosette shaped. Leaves: alternate.

93854Syzygium cordatum4 Sep 2006P Reiner
P Reiner 2006/A1 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Camp Kwando, at the banks of the Kwando river. 1756'32.8'S 2359'45.9'E0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723D40

Tree; Notes: Trees 8 m high.

93120Tephrosia lupinifolia20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1124 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; side road going to Angola border from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb, with pink flowers. Leaves: linear - lanceolate, digitate.

93395Tephrosia lupinifolia21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1165 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3; 2km away from the main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41017

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: digitate. Flowers: purple.

93454Tephrosia lupinifolia23 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1207 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3 - Kongola.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C11014

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: linear-digitate. Flower: purple.

95527Tephrosia lupinifolia22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1196 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega; Namibia-Botswana border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B21028

Herb; Notes: Procumbent herb. Leaves: digitate. Flowers: purple.

95469Tephrosia purpurea subsp. leptostachya24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1238 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822A2991

50 cm high; Herb; Notes: Zigzag stemmed herb, 50cm high. Leaves: compound, leaflets opposite. Flowers: pink. Pods: green, elongated, opposite arranged.

93282Terminalia brachystemma subsp. brachystemma17 May 1966KL Tinley
KL Tinley 1446 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Western Caprivi Strip. Near Bwabwata camp.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D30

Tree; Notes: Common small tree up to 20 feet tall in sandveld, normally on sand - loam soils. Savanna.

95343Terminalia brachystemma subsp. brachystemma28 Jan 1959PJ Le Roux
PJ Le Roux 290 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Andara: East. Okavango.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

10 ft high; Tree; Notes: Grow as small tree 10 feet high in sandy ground. Very common. Flowers yellow; Fruit flat peal with one seed. Juice not milky. No haires on leaves or stems.

93456Thunbergia reticulata23 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 124 MM Hochobes WIND
Scattered. Shade.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C1 988

Shrub. Leaves ovate with entire margins. Winged petiole, tapering tip and truncate base. Leaves carried opposite young growth tips, curls around other plants for support. Flowers bright yellow, trumpet shaped, 5 petals fused. Pistil and stamens well set inside flower tube.

93398Trachyandra arvensis21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1171 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega 3.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41013

0.5 m high; Herb; Notes: Smooth, many branched herb, 0.5m high. Flowers: yellow, corolla curved outwards.

93932Tricholaena monachne17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3057 MM Hochobes WIND
Common in grassland.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Annual grass up to 1.5 m high. Inflorescence fine. Spikelets on wiry stalks. Leaf blade smooth, hairless.

93399Tricliceras lobatum21 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 95 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4998

10 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Tiny herbaceous shrub, 10 cm high. Stem green and velvety. Leaves sessile, opposite to alternate, lanceolate, bicoloured, margin entire. Yellow tubular flowers, 5 petals, 3 cm long stalks. Common in well-drained loamy sandy soil in semi-shade.

95022Tricliceras lobatum19 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1067 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Along the Rundu - Divundu road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A11092

1 m high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 1m high, with a stem armed with reddish trichomes. Flowers: terminal, bright orange, corolla 5-lobed and broadly ovate; calyx yellowish-green, hispid. Leaves: ovate-lanceolate, margin dentate.

93400Tricliceras schinzii subsp. schinzii var. juttae22 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 106 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Mukwe District.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D4990

Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 20 cm high. Stems covered in long red hair, also found on undersides of leaves. Leaves sessile, alternate, with serrate margins. Flowers with bright orange petals; 5 with rotating petals and salver-shaped. Fruits long capsules. Grows in sandy white soil.

93285Tristachya superba5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1947 MM Hochobes WIND
Abundant. Woodland. Growing on plain in well-drained, sandy soil. Full sun.Caprivi: Dinvundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31010

Erect grass, 1.2 m high. Leaves leathery, ligule fringe of hairs inner part. Inflorescence terminal. Spikelets big brown and awned each.

93933Tristachya superba17 Jun 2010S Rügheimer
S Rügheimer 3059 MM Hochobes WIND
Common but restricted to marshlands.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Kasheshe.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C10

Tall marshland grass up to 3 m high. Inflorescence a long soft spike. Roots rhizomatous.

93286Urochloa brachyura5 Mar 2010MM Hochobes
ES Klaassen
S Rügheimer
HR Hasheela
D Aiyambo
MM Hochobes 1954 MM Hochobes WIND
Occasional. Woodland. Growing in seasonally waterlogged plain in calcrete soil. Full sun. Roadside.Caprivi: Divundu - Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D31012

Erect, pubescent, grass. Leaves flattened toward the base, 1 cm in diameter. Inflorescence a raceme.

93401Vigna frutescens subsp. frutescens var. frutescens21 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1157 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park; Divundu-Kongola road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722D41023

Climber; Notes: Climbing herb, with rough surface. Flowers: on a long petiole, bright purple. Leaves: trifoliate, leaflet base palmately lobed; petiole base stipulate.

95532Waltheria indica22 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1195 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Omega; at Namibia - Botswana border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1822B2991

60 cm high; Herb; Notes: Tomentose herb, 60cm high. Leaves: broadly ovate, margins dentate. Inflorescence axillary, flowers white, minute.

93180Ximenia caffra var. caffra24 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1215 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi Game Park.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C41055

1 m high; Shrub; Notes: Tomentose shrub, 1m high. Leaves: alternate, tomentose, base tapering, apex emarginate, margin hairy.

93126Zornia milneana20 Jan 2005MM Hochobes
MM Hochobes 1121 MM Hochobes WIND
Caprivi: Side road going to Angola border, from Divundu-Kongola main road.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1722C31062

30 cm high; Herb; Notes: Herb, 30cm high. Leaves: palmately arranged. Flowers: yellow, on the branchlets tips. Fruits: appears in paired bracts.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Marianne Hochobes., retrieved 27 July 2024

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