Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Orchidaceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display images of herbarium specimens for each species within a particular family.

Note that all herbarium specimen images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.

Separate pages exist which display living plant images only and all images for this family.

Acampe pachyglossa E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis appendiculata E No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis kotschyana N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis mystacidii N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis somalensis N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis verdickii var. rusituensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Aerangis verdickii var. verdickii N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Aeranthes africana E No herbarium specimen images found
Aeranthes parkesii E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecopsis amaniensis E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecopsis parviflora E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecopsis trifurca E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum chamaeanthus E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum chimanimaniense E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum conchiferum E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum cultriforme E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum humile E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum minus E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum pusillum E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum sacciferum E No herbarium specimen images found
Angraecum stella-africae E No herbarium specimen images found
Ansellia africana N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bolusiella iridifolia subsp. picea E No herbarium specimen images found
Bolusiella maudiae E No herbarium specimen images found
Bonatea antennifera W,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bonatea cassidea E No herbarium specimen images found
Bonatea speciosa W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bonatea steudneri W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis buchananii N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis congoensis N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis inhambanensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis lastii E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis ovata subsp. welwitschii N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis pleistophylla subsp. pleistophylla W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis tenuior N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Brachycorythis velutina N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Brownleea galpinii subsp. galpinii E No herbarium specimen images found
Brownleea maculata E No herbarium specimen images found
Brownleea parviflora E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum ballii E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum elliotii C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum encephalodes E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum fuscum var. melinostachyum C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum humblotii E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum intertextum E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum josephi E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum longiflorum E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum maximum C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum sandersonii subsp. sandersonii C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum scaberulum N,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum unifoliatum subsp. infracarinatum E No herbarium specimen images found
Bulbophyllum X chikukwa E No herbarium specimen images found
Calanthe sylvatica W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Calyptrochilum christyanum N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Centrostigma occultans C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Centrostigma papillosum C No herbarium specimen images found
Chaseella pseudohydra E No herbarium specimen images found
Cheirostylis nuda E No herbarium specimen images found
Corymborkis corymbis E No herbarium specimen images found
Cynorkis anacamptoides var. anacamptoides C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Cynorkis anisoloba E No herbarium specimen images found
Cynorkis debilis C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Cynorkis kassneriana C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Cynorkis kirkii E No herbarium specimen images found
Cyrtorchis arcuata subsp. arcuata E No herbarium specimen images found
Cyrtorchis crassifolia N No herbarium specimen images found
Cyrtorchis praetermissa subsp. praetermissa N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Cyrtorchis ringens E No herbarium specimen images found
Diaphananthe fragrantissima E No herbarium specimen images found
Diaphananthe sp.no.1. (Ball 657) E No herbarium specimen images found
Diaphananthe stolzii E No herbarium specimen images found
Diaphananthe subsimplex E No herbarium specimen images found
Diaphananthe xanthopollinia E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa aconitoides subsp. concinna N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa baurii E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa brevicornis E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa chimanimaniensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa cornuta E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa equestris N,C,E
Disa equestris

Photo: Mark Hyde

Disa erubescens subsp. erubescens E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa fragrans subsp. fragrans E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa hircicornis C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Disa miniata N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Disa ochrostachya C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa ornithantha E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Disa patula var. transvaalensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa perplexa E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa rhodantha E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa saxicola E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Disa versicolor E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa walleri N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa welwitschii subsp. welwitschii C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa woodii E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa zimbabweensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Disa zombica E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis anthoceros N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis concinna E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis dicerochila C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis johnstonii N No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis leuconeura E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis lindleyana E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis micrantha E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis reichenbachiana N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis thorncroftii E No herbarium specimen images found
Disperis virginalis E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia acutilabra N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia alta W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia angolensis N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia callichroma N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia clitellifera N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia coeloglossa N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia cucullata N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia dactylifera N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia eylesii N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia flavopurpurea N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia fridericii N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia gonychila N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia guineensis N,W,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia hereroensis W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia hians var. inaequalis E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia hians var. hians E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia hians var. nutans N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia horsfallii E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia katangensis C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia kyimbilae C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia leachii W,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia livingstoneana N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia longisepala N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia macaulayae N No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia macrantha N No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia monile N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia monotropis N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia monticola E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia mumbwaensis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia norlindhii N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia nyasae N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia obscura N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia orthoplectra C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia ovalis var. ovalis E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia ovalis var. bainesii N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia parviflora E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia parvula C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia penduliflora N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia petersii N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia pulchra E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia pyrophila C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia rhodesiaca C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia rolfeana N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia sabulosa N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia saxicola C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia schweinfurthii N,W,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia seleensis N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia sp.no.1 N No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia speciosa N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia stachyodes N,W,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia streptopetala N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia subsaprophytica N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia tanganyikensis N,W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia tenella C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia tuberculata C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Eulophia venulosa N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Gastrodia ballii E
Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Gastrodia ballii

Photo: Mark Hyde

Habenaria aberrans N No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria amoena N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria anaphysema C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria armatissima W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria bicolor C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria calvilabris N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria cirrhata N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria clavata N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria cornuta N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria debeerstiana N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria disparilis N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria dregeana N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria elliotii E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria epipactidea W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria falcicornis var. caffra E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria filicornis N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria galactantha N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria galpinii N,W,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria harmsiana E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria holothrix C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria holubii W No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria huillensis N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria humilior C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria ichneumonea C,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria laurentii N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria lindblomii N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria macrandra E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria macrostele C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria macrura N No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria magnirostris C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria malacophylla W,C,E
Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: Bart Wursten

Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: Bart Wursten

Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: Bart Wursten

Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: Bart Wursten

Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: Bart Wursten

Habenaria malacophylla

Photo: UJ Staff

Habenaria mira E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria myodes subsp. myodes C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria njamnjamica N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria nyikana subsp. nyikana N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria papyracea N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria petitiana C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria pilosa E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria praestans var. praestans N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria rautaneniana N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria retinervis N No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria schimperiana N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria silvatica N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria singularis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria sochensis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria stenorhynchos C,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria strangulans N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria stylites subsp. rhodesiaca N,C,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria subaequalis C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria subarmata N,W,S No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria tentaculigera C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria trachypetala E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria tridens E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria trilobulata E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria tysonii E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria uhehensis N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria uncicalcar N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria unguilabris N No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria verdickii N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria weberiana C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Habenaria zambesina N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Holothrix macowaniana E No herbarium specimen images found
Holothrix micrantha E No herbarium specimen images found
Holothrix orthoceras E No herbarium specimen images found
Holothrix randii N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Holothrix villosa E No herbarium specimen images found
Jumellea walleri C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Liparis bowkeri C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Liparis chimanimaniensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Liparis latialata E No herbarium specimen images found
Liparis mulindana N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Liparis nervosa C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Malaxis weberbaueriana E No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia aphylla E No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia corallina E No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia exilis N,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia globulosa N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia moreauae E No herbarium specimen images found
Microcoelia stolzii E No herbarium specimen images found
Mystacidium gracile E No herbarium specimen images found
Mystacidium tanganyikense E No herbarium specimen images found
Neobolusia ciliata C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Neobolusia stolzii var. glabripetala E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia adolphi var. adolphi E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia ballii N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia bicarinata W No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia crociformis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia kotschyi var. purpurata N,C No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia kotschyi var. kotschyi N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia lilacea E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia pectinata E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia petraea C No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia renschiana N,E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia shirensis N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia sp.no.4 C No herbarium specimen images found
Nervilia stolziana E No herbarium specimen images found
Oberonia disticha E No herbarium specimen images found
Oeceoclades decaryana E No herbarium specimen images found
Oeceoclades maculata E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Oeceoclades maculata × quadriloba S No herbarium specimen images found
Oeceoclades pandurata E No herbarium specimen images found
Oeceoclades quadriloba S No herbarium specimen images found
Oligophyton drummondii E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus adenoglossus N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus aurantiacus C No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus eustachyus N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus foliosus C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus holubii W No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus mechowii N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus milnei W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus odontoglossus C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus rarus C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Orthochilus walleri W No herbarium specimen images found
Phaius occidentalis C No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne affinis var. ecalcarata E No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne affinis var. affinis W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne buchananiana N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne crocea N,W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne mediocris C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne pervillei N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Platycoryne protearum var. protearum W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Platylepis glandulosa E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya adansoniae E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya albescens subsp. imbricata C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya caespitifica subsp. hollandii E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya campyloglossa E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya concreta E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya concreta (red-flowered form) E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya cultriformis E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya cultriformis (yellow-flowered form) No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya dendrobiiflora N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya fusiformis E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya fusiformis × lindblomii E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya golungensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya greatrexii N,W,C No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya lindblomii E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya malilaensis E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya modesta N,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya ottoniana N? No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya phirii S No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya pubescens E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya simplex E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya stuhlmannii E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya subumbellata E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya transvaalensis C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya vaginata E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya valentina E No herbarium specimen images found
Polystachya zambesiaca C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Rangaeris muscicola E No herbarium specimen images found
Rhipidoglossum kamerunense ? No herbarium specimen images found
Rhipidoglossum rutilum C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium aberrans E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium anomalum N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium breve C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium buchananii N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium chlorocorys E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium compactum C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium coriophoroides E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium elongatum C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium flavum E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium hallackii subsp. ocellatum N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium longicauda E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium macrophyllum N,W,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium mirum E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium neglectum var. neglectum E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium oliganthum C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium paludosum C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium riparium C No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium sceptrum E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium schimperi No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium sphaeranthum E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium trinerve N,W,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Satyrium volkensii E No herbarium specimen images found
Schizochilus calcaratus E No herbarium specimen images found
Schizochilus cecilii subsp. cecilii E No herbarium specimen images found
Schizochilus lepidus E No herbarium specimen images found
Solenangis conica E No herbarium specimen images found
Stenoglottis woodii E No herbarium specimen images found
Stenoglottis zambesiaca C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Stolzia compacta subsp. purpurata E No herbarium specimen images found
Stolzia repens var. obtusa E No herbarium specimen images found
Stolzia repens var. repens C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Summerhayesia zambesiaca E No herbarium specimen images found
Taeniophyllum coxii E No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle anthomaniaca E No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle bicaudata N,C,E No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle hurungweensis N No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle inaequilonga E No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle tricuspis N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle tridactylites E No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle tridentata N,C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Tridactyle verrucosa E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Vanilla polylepis E No herbarium specimen images found
Ypsilopus erectus C,E,S No herbarium specimen images found
Ypsilopus zimbabweensis C,S No herbarium specimen images found
Zeuxine ballii E No herbarium specimen images found
Zeuxine elongata E No herbarium specimen images found

359 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Herbarium specimen images of Orchidaceae.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-herb-images-by-family.php?family_id=161, retrieved 20 January 2025

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